The Effect of electronic Human Resource Management (E-Hrm) Practices on Organizational Performance - The Case of Cooperative Bank of Oromia
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Addis Ababa University
This study examined the effect of Electronic human resource management practices on organizational performance at Cooperative Bank of Oromia in Ethiopia. The research applied a
quantitative research approach and descriptive and explanatory strategies. The study population comprised all 209 sampled employees at the studied bank’s headquarters and selected branches in Addis Ababa. Self-administered questionnaires and interviews were used to collect primarydata. Descriptive and inferential statistics were computed to describe the characteristics of thevariables in the study. The findings revealed that this bank had a number of EHRM practices inplace, but their systematic implementation was hampered by a lack of clearly defined formal
policies and guidelines throughout the organization, and a formal (written down) strategic plan. It was also observed that the corporation needed improvement in the areas of electronic
recruitment, training, motivation, and performance appraisal. In addition, this research has established a significantly positive and significant effect between EHRM practices such as erecruitment
(sig, 0.011), e-training (sig, 0.013), e-compensation (sig, 0.0001), and eperformance appraisals (sig, 0.001) and organizational performance. This study concluded that
EHRM practices such as e-recruitment, e-training, e-compensation, and e-performance management will significantly develop or improve organizational performance. Thus, this study
suggests HRM managers and a public administrator embrace the use of a formal EHRM strategic plan, enhance capacity building by utilizing both qualified experts, electronic training
programs on training needs assessments, and develop formal policies to guide performanceappraisal.
Keywords: Banks, Electronic Human Resource Management, Organizational Performance,