A History of Tulama In Chilalo Awraja (1886-1974)
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Addis Ababa University
This thesis deals with the History of the Tulama Oromo in Chilalo Awraja, (c.1886-1974). It
covers the period from the first eviction of the Tulama Oromo since the last quarter of the 19th
century to the second half of 20th century. The study deals, among other things with the
genealogical trace of the Tulama Oromo, patterns of their original settlement in Shawan
plateau, and later in Arsi, where they moved to due to eviction, and expansion of urbanization,
Furthermore, the thesis treats the lives and mode of production While in Shawa The study
attempts to respond to questions such as ; causes of their eviction, their reactions to that
external pressure, and their copping up with new lives in new settlements in different periods.
The study employed three procedures of collecting and analyzing historical sources. The first
was collection of oral interviews that was basic method employed to obtain data for research.
Informants consulted represented within their clans’ elders and from different ethnic and
religious groups possessing rich knowledge on activities during the period of Imperial
administration. The second category of the sources employed is published and unpublished
written source (books, articles, Journals, theses, publications and proclamations) have been
utilized for the research. Most of these secondary sources were obtained from the Addis Ababa
University IES and Kennedy Libraries. The third valuable sources that I used were archival
materials. Considerable number of variable documents and Archives in the Awarja since
Imperial regime in Arsi and Shawa province were destroyed during the change of government in
1991 and a few years after. I only found a valuable archival material at National Archival and
Library Agency, and few achieve in Eastern Arsi Zone Administration and CADU publications
and documentation. The shortage of archival sources and the dearth of written materials have
been a challenge in the reconstruction of this thesis. This work, therefore, attempts to examine
the livelihood of Tulama Oromo in pre and post settlements in Arsi plateau in line with political
dynamism, economic situation, and socio-cultural change. It also, raises the relationships among
Oromo of Tulama with Indigenous Arsi Oromo. Furthermore, the paper examines the
relationship among man and land, over a period of time on one side and man and system on
other. Finally, the paper shows how the life and conditions of Tulama in Arsi Chilalo shaped.
Key words: Tenants, Tulama, Arsi Chilalo, landlord, eviction. Settlements
Tenants, Tulama, Arsi Chilalo, landlord, eviction. Settlements