Pattern and Treatment outcome of Children Withoncologic Emergencies Seen at First Visit to Pediatricemergency unit, Tikur Anbessaspecialized Hospital,Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Pediatric oncologic emergencies can occur at any time during a child's course of care for cancer; it can be
either the initial manifestation of cancer or occur as a consequence. Pediatric oncologic emergencies may
lead to acute and potentially life-threatening complications unless timely diagnosed and treated. Pediatric
oncologic emergencies can be metabolic emergencies, neurological emergencies, thoracic emergencies,
gastrointestinal emergencies, urogenital emergencies, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and
febrile neutropenia. To our knowledge, there is no study done in our country on the pattern and treatment
outcome of oncologic emergencies in the pediatric emergency ward admission during the initial visit
Cancer, pattern, Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Oncologic emergency, survival