Assessment of Dialysis Treatment Outcome and Associated factors among Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Attending Selected Governmental Hospitals Dialysis Treatment Center Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Addis Ababa University


Background: Chronic kidney disease is an advanced loss in kidney function over a period of time. It is identified by higher amount of creatinine and lower glomerular filtration rate. Chronic kidney disease is a growing problem worldwide leading to increasing incidence of life- threatening complications and mortalities. Dialysis treatment is an indication of end stage renal disease in the chronic kidney disease patients. Effective dialysis procedure is reducing renal damage and disease complication. Objective: the aim of this study was to assess the effective dialysis treatment and associated factors among chronic kidney disease patients at selected hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia from April to June 2022. Methods: A Hospital based Cross sectional study was conducted at the three selected hospitals from April to June 2022. Proportion to population size was applied to determine the proportion of participants from the study areas based on the number of chronic kidney disease dialysis patients that attended the hospitals during the study period. During the study, besides to collecting socio-demographic information, history of comorbidity and treatment questionnaires related to risk factor assessment for poor dialysis outcomes were administered. Blood sample were collected and serum creatinine and urea were analyzed and calculated using Cockcroft Gault equation for eGFR. The effectiveness of dialysis was evaluated with URR, Kt/v and eGFR. The collected data was encoded, checked, cleaned and entered in to Microsoft excel software, and then imported to SPSS version 26 software for further statistical analysis. Result: The total study subjects were 102. Of them 65(63.7%) were males and the mean ±SD age of the subject was 38.67 ± 13.06 years with 18-86 years range. The mean ±SD of URR, KT/V and eGFR values were 68.74% ± 20.61, 1.46 ± 0.24 and 25.63± 12.38ml/min/1.73m2 respectively. Assessment of hemodialysis results 64(62.75%) and 75(73.5%) were very good in URR and KT/V respectively. 71(69.6%) were good in eGFR value. Conclusion: The present study indicated that overall evaluation of dialysis treatment conducted at the selected hospitals were very good.



Chronic kidney disease, dialysis, Hypertension, Diabetes, URR, Effectiveness, Addis Ababa, Hospital, Ethiopia
