Use of Reading Strategies to Develop Reading Comprehension:Grade 7 in Focus in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The study was to investigate the use of reading strategies via reading process among Grade 7 students in Miazia 23 and Kidus Addis Kindergarten and primary schools, Ababa Addis. To achieve the research objective explanatory sequential design of Mixed Methods Research (MMR) was applied. The target population for this study constituted of three hundred twenty two (322) grades 7 students who were schooling at Miazia 23 and Kidus Markos KG and Primary Schools. Pertinent data for the study were gathered through close ended structure questionnaires. In addition, for the consumption qualitative study; KII guideline was organized. Finally, descriptive statistics were employed to do quantitative analysis; while, the qualitative part of the study was summarized and analyzed using narrative description method. The result was summarized in the following way. Concerning of global reading strategies; above ¾th of the study participants (learners) are at distant prospect in terms of using typographical aids like bold face and italics to pick out key information. Under this category students sometimes use typographical aids. This is reported by 17 (19.3%) students. Learners are also occasionally use typographical aids. This is also shown by 18 (20.5%) learners. Evem students never use typographical aids. This is affirmed by 33 (37.5%) students. Regarding to problem solving strategies; slim majority (68.2%) of the study participants are far off guessing the meaning of unknown words or phrases. This group is identified by students sometimes guess the meaning of unknown words or phrases. This is shown by 24 (27.3%) students. It is also characterized by students occasionally guess the meaning of unknown words or phrases. This is reported by 22 (25%) students. In addition, this category is also characterized by students never guess the meaning of unknown words or phrases. This is also affirmed by 14 (15.9%) learners. Regarding to the frequency of using reading strategy; in the selected primary schools most Grade 7 students do not practice to have a purpose in mind when they read. This is reported by the mean value (2.386) falls in the range (≤ 2.4) qualitatively signifying low strategy user In addition, most grade 7 students are at distant prospect in terms of using context clues to help them better understood what they are reading. This is reported by the mean value (2.157) falls in the range (≤ 2.4) qualitatively signifying low strategy user. Based on the finding the study concluded that Grade 7 students do not practice to have a purpose in mind when they read. They don’t have a trend of reading aloud to help them understand what they are reading. Meanwhile there was a statistically significant positive correlation between frequency of using reading strategy and the score of reading comprehension and fluency. In this sense, it is necessary for Ethiopian primary schools to pay attention to reading strategies with their syllables. In addition, teachers need to be well equipped with knowledge and experience for enhancing the frequency of using reading strategy of their learners. In this regard training packages need to be organized for the teachers.