The Efficacy of the ‘’yebeteseb weg ‘’ radio program on “socio economic empowerment of women in Addis Ababa”; the case of Ethiopia radio.
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study was to analyze and find out the effectiveness of the EthiopianRadio “yebeteseb weg” program in bringing about socioeconomic empowerment of womenin Addis Ababa. In order to accomplish this purpose, data collection was carried oututilizing a qualitative approachandinstruments/tools namely survey Questionnaire andInterview. Five sub cities of Addis Ababa were selected to be the research location and datawas collected by distributing questionnaires through the cooperation of the public relations ofthe sub cities. The deep one on one interview was held with professional guests, chief editors,
producers, a coordinator, and certain listeners living in the selected location. After collectingand analyzing the data, the program has been found to be lifechanging, knowledgeable,participatory especially with respect to women and likable for its simplicity as well as for therelevant topics and issues raised. In contrast, negative findings such as the program’sinability to exploit the advantage of social media platforms and convergence as it should, theunsuitability of the program’s schedule and its transmission time, the producers’ and thepresenters’ lack of professional knowledge as well as expertise and the program’s lack ofconsistency with respect to quality, professionalism, timeliness and attractiveness have beenestablished. Finally, conclusions and recommendations were made that can assist theprogram in enhancing the experience of its audience and ultimately achieve its purpose.
, Ethiopian Radio