Platform and Pipeline Business Models: In the Case of Woye Transport

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This thesis examines the dynamics of transformation in Ethiopia's logistics and transportation industries, focusing on the coexistence of new platform-based innovations and conventional pipeline models. Using a qualitative methodology, the study examines the activities of Woye Transport, a significant participant in Ethiopian logistics, to identify the unique traits and implications of platform and pipeline business models. The research design adopts a descriptive approach, offering a comprehensive understanding of Woye Transport's operations and its unique platform business model. Interviews were done using purposive sampling with customers, drivers registered on the platform, Woye employees, and traditional service providers. These varied viewpoints were essential for examining the interaction between the pipeline and platform models. Four perspectives are used to group the findings: registered drivers, cargo owners, traditional service providers, and internal representatives of Woye Transport. Woye representatives emphasise the platform's future vision, user engagement tactics, and technology-centric approach. The drivers who have registered highlight their distinct experiences on the platform. Cargo owners stress better experiences, dependability, and the platform's transformative potential, while traditional providers recognise the need for adaptation in the face of technological advancements. The analysis highlights how Woye Transport's platform improves communication, transparency, and dependability in the logistics industry. Collaboration and adaptability are emerging as key themes, with traditional and innovative models seen as complementary forces rather than opposing paradigms. The dynamic character of the sector and the possibility of a harmonious fusion of tradition and innovation are emphasized in the conclusion. A strategic plan for developing Ethiopia's logistics ecosystem has implied the recommendations, which include technology adoption, cooperative partnerships, regulatory improvements, customer education, sustainable practices, and talent development. This study offers a roadmap for industry participants to navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by technological advancements and traditional practices, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of the logistics landscape as it evolves. Ethiopia's logistics sector is at a turning point in its history, and a future built on resilience, customer focus, and forward-thinking is assured by embracing tradition and innovation.


