An Assessment of Urban Expansion on The Surrounding Farming Land: The Case of Tulu Bolo Town, Oromia Regional State.

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Addis Ababa University


The Objectives of this study were to assess Urban Expansion on the Surrounding Farming Land: The case of Tulu Bolo Town, Oromia Region. Problems related with food security, asset losses, as well as the measures taken to address were investigated. Urbanization is one of the most factors demographic trends of the twenty first century where cities are rapidly expanding through a continuous process of urban growth towards the peri-urban agricultural farmlands. One of the many manifestations in urban expansion is the transformation of more and more farmlands away from agricultural production. As it is associated with socio economic development, urbanization has a higher level of development in developed nations than developing ones. In Ethiopia, although its urbanization level is the lowest even under developed nations, however, its rate is the highest and made a country one of the fast urbanization in the World. As a matter of this fact, Tulu Bolo Town is among the Ethiopian urban settings experiencing unprecedented rate of urbanization through expansion. Therefore, the study Depends on the descriptive research design and involved both Quantitative and Qualitative approaches. A household survey was conducted on 166 households sampled through systematic sampling and non-random sampling techniques. Primary data had been collected through semi-structured questionnaire, semi-closed interview, Field observation and focus group discussion and secondary was from different Written and documented sources. Thus, farmers consulted for this study had developed dissatisfied feeling towards the urban development in the area and lost sense of belongingness to the development program. Therefore , the recommendation of this study that, there is a need to have a good urban governance to limit the problem, especially, following participatory approach on stakeholders, mainly, farmers, in to urban development plans and projects, there should exist effective rules and regulations which guide expropriation and compensation to farmers when their land is expropriated for public interest. There should, also be consideration of the recipients' interests on kind and quantity of compensation and if money is only possible resolutions on a kind of compensation to farmers, then, pre-trainings and post instruction need to be carried out to enable such community sustain and secure their livelihood. Key words: Urban Expansion, expropriation, compensation, and peri-urban agricultural



