Marketing Management

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    The Role of Re-Intermediation Strategy on Customer Retention: The Case of Selected IATA’s Travel Agencies in Addis Ababa
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-07) Abdulhakim Zemede; Andinet Worku
    The re-intermediation of the travel agencies' businesses is necessary for them to remain competitive in the travel distribution sector by adding value to the travel distribution process. Re-intermediation is the process by which previously disintermediated intermediaries rejoin the distribution chain by providing new benefits to suppliers or creating a model that helps disintermediated travel agencies retain clients through the re-intermediation process. For the travel agency industry, a variety of re-intermediation strategies have been proposed, including product Knowledge, personal interaction, co-existing with technology, differentiated products, High-quality service and Low-service fee in an attempt retain customers. The primary objective of this study was to examine the role of re-intermediation strategies on customer retention as in the case of Travel agencies of IATA in Addis Ababa. The study employed explanatory Research design, this approach shows the cause-and-effect of determinants of re-intermediation strategy & customer retention. quantitative method approach has been employed. based on the questionaries’ collected from the targeted population, the researcher has used convenient sampling method in order to select the samples from the population. Self-administered questionaries’ have been distributed. A questionaries’ was developed to 102 IATA members travel agencies selected randomly. Analysis was made based on the data collected from the respondents of 102. The data obtained from travel agents, analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearosn correlation, regression analysis made with the providing of SPSS version 26 for the purpose of analysis and summarization of the data to identify the most significant factors of customer retention. The research finds out four consistent factors of lower service-fee, differentiated product, high quality service and product knowledge have positive and significant effect on customer retention. Based on The analysis made, this study suggests that in order for travel agents to retain their customers, they should focus on enhancing customer retention by charging lower service-fee, differentiated products (Leisure & corporate segment), improve product knowledge, and high quality service. Moreover, travel Agencies should also consider to re-intermediate their business so as to retain their customers. Key words: Intermediation, Disintermediation, Re-intermediation, Customer retention, Travel Agents
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    The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Loyalty: The Case of One Water Brand of Mogle Bottled Water Manufacturing Plc.
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Eskedar Getachew; Beza Libeyesus (PhD)
    Corporate Social Responsibility can be considered as a principle that obliges corporate entities to comply with regulations and to take voluntary steps to assure the best interest of society. Running a business is, thus, no longer just considering how to make profits, but also includes bearing certain corporate responsibilities in the society. This study sought to investigate CSR practices and its influence on brand loyalty taking One-Water brand of Mogle Bottled Water Manufacturing Company in Addis Ababa as a case. Explanatory research design was applied and a total of 233 sample respondents who bought or consumed One-Water brand were participated in the survey. Convenient non-probability sampling was used for selecting the targets to collect primary data through self- administered questionnaires. The data were coded and analyzed with the help of SPSS 21.0. The findings showed that the overall CSR practices accounted for 63.2% variation on overall Brand loyalty. It is evidenced that all the dimensions of CSR activities such as economic, social, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities had positive and statistically significant effect on brand loyalty. Specifically, philanthropic social responsibilities had relatively the highest effect on brand loyalty but ethical and economic social responsibilities had less contribution to the model. Substantially extra efforts of public relations management are required for further improvement in terms of disseminating information related to the company’s corporate social responsibility activities through appropriate media to create public awareness. Keywords: Social Responsibility; Corporate Image, Mogle Bottled Water Company, Economic Responsibility, Philanthropic Responsibility
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    Determinants of Customer Satisfaction: In the Case of Addis Ababa Light Train
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Berhanu Molla; Getie Andualem (PhD)
    Customer satisfaction is a measurement which determines how happy the customers are with a company’s products and services. Determinants of customer are used to measure customers’ satisfactions. The primary goal of this research is to look into the determinant factors which affect the passengers’ satisfaction of Addis Ababa light train transit. The study employed both qualitative and qualitative research approaches. In qualitative research approach semi structured interview was used. Where as in case of quantitative research approach descriptive and inferential analysis was used in order to understand the overall satisfaction of the passengers and to identify determinant factors which have significant effect on passengers’ satisfactions. Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression models were employed to investigate the relationship between service quality measures and passengers' satisfaction. The findings obtained from all analyses revealed that the passengers are dissatisfied with the service of Addis Ababa light train Transit Corporation. Based on the results of the multiple regression model, service tangibility, service reliability, service assurance, service comfort and service frequency are found to have significant effect on passengers’ satisfaction. Key Words: Passengers’ satisfaction, service quality dimensions, qualitative analysis, multiple regression model, light train transit, Addis Ababa
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    The Effect of Marketing Strategy on Small and Medium Manufacturing Industries Performance Operating in Addiss Abeba, Ethiopia
    (2022-07) Fisha Birhane; Getie Andualem (PhD)
    Small and medium manufacturing industries (SMMEs) use marketing strategies as one of their primary functional strategies to improve performance. The purpose of this study is to look at the impact of marketing strategy on the performance of small and medium-sized businesses in Addis Ababa. Only quantitative research methods and both descriptive and explanatory research designs were employed to address the research objectives and questions. Proportionate stratified and purposive sampling approaches were used to limit delimited the study. A structured questionnaire was prepared and given to a sample of 267 owners and/or managers of SMMEs in the three sub- cities to obtain quantitative data (Akaki kality, Bole, and Nifas silk). The descriptive and inferential analyses were used to examine the quantitative data. According to descriptive statistics, the mean score of marketing strategy characteristics such as STP, product, price, promotion, location, customer orientation, and relationship marketing leaned toward agreement. The dependent variable "performance" has a substantial connection with all independent variables. In this situation, relationship marketing was found to have a stronger link to performance. Similarly, the empirical findings of the multiple regression revealed that only six of the predictor variables product, place, promotion, pricing, Customer Orientation, and Relationship Marketing have a positive and significant effect on SMME Performance, but not price. These independent variables were likewise found to be significant joint predictors of performance, according to the findings. Finally, based on the study's findings, recommendations for SMMEs were given. Key Words: Marketing Strategy, Product, Price, Promotion, Place, Customer Orientation, Relationship Marketing, Small and Medium Manufacturing industries, Performance
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    The Influence of Service Recovery on Customer Satisfaction in Ethiopian Airlines
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Yoseph Gebeyaw; Beza Libeyesus (PhD)
    The principal objective of this study is to investigate the effect of service recovery on customer’s satisfaction by taking the case of Ethiopian airlines passenger service section. Data were collected from customers of Ethiopian airlines cargo through a survey questionnaire. A sample of total of 384 respondents was drawn based on convenience sampling. The findings of this study show that service recovery dimensions based on perceived Justice theory (procedural, interactional and distributive justice) have a positive effect on customer satisfaction with service recovery and future behavioral intentions of word of mouth and re-patronage.Based on the conclusions made recommendations for Ethiopian airlines are proposed in order to enhance customer satisfaction with service recovery and to positively affect behavioral intention
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    The Effect of Digital Banking Service Quality on Customers’ Satisfaction the Mediating Role of Brand Image : In the Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-09) Yohannes Tesfaye; Andinet Worku (PhD)
    The study aimed to examine the effect of Digital banking service quality on customers’ satisfaction: the mediating role of brand image in the case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. The study employed an explanatory research design and a quantitative research approach. A survey was conducted on 250 customers of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia who are using Digital banking service quality using a convenience sampling method. A Structural equation model (SEM) is employed to estimate the theoretical model and hypotheses are empirically tested by the use of Partial Least Squares (PLS) through Smart PLS software. The findings of the study showed that ease of use and efficiency, responsiveness, security and privacy, and web design had a positive and statistically significant effect on brand image and customer satisfaction. Website design has a strong effect on brand image. Reliability has no statistical significance in determining brand image and responsiveness has no statistical significance in customer satisfaction. The study also discovered that brand image plays a role in mediating the relationship between website design and customer satisfaction. Additionally, brand image has a mediation role in the relationship between security and privacy and customer satisfaction. Finally, the study recommends that the CBE should incorporate personalized Digital banking service features, increase the quality of Digital banking service channels, and establish a complaint tracking system to identify service recovery and measure customer satisfaction at each transaction and update the drawbacks as possible. Key Words: Digital banking, service quality, Brand image, Customer satisfaction, CBE
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    The Effect of Celebrity Endorsed Advertisement on Consumer Brand Preference: The Case of Gelagle Brand
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Yusra Seid; Belaynesh Tefera (PhD)
    It is stated, that celebrity endorsement is an effective method to accelerate consumer brand preference. The study was intended to look at the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer brand preference; targeting the local brand Gelagle. After reviewing related relevant literatures the study adopted Ohanian's source credibility model (Trustworthiness, Attractiveness, and Expertise) and the product match up hypothesis (Celebrity-brand fit) to build its conceptual framework. Four measuring variables are selected and hypotheses were developed by arguing that perceived celebrity attractiveness, perceived celebrity trustworthiness, perceived level of celebrity expertise and perceived celebrity-product matchup significantly influence consumers brand preference. The research used quantitative and explanatory design.385 questionnaires were distributed using convenience sampling techniques and 354 were completed. The questioner survey targeted both customer's and noncustomers located in Addis Ababa. SPSS version 26 was used to make the statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics (mean and frequency) and inferential statistics (correlation, multiple regression), are measured to sum up into findings. The study's results revealed that all independent variables (attractiveness, trustworthiness, celebrity-brand matchup, expertise) have a favorable and significant impact on consumer's brand preference towards Gelagle confirming all highlighted research hypothesis. Thus, the company is approaching an effective advertising by choosing its endorsers correctly. In addition, the researcher suggests to marketers with local brand to consider using celebrities in their advertisement and promotional endeavors by giving priority on the attractiveness of the celebrity, the match of the celebrity with the brand, trustworthiness of the celebrity and expertise level of the celebrity respectively. Key words: celebrity endorsement, physical attractiveness, Trustworthiness, product/celebrity matchup, expertise, consumer brand preference
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    The Effect of Product Innovation Strategy on Sales Performance: The Case of Ethio Telecom
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-05) Zenebe Ayele; Saleamlak Molla (PhD)
    As the corporate climate gets more competitive, businesses are becoming more aggressive and dynamic in identifying competitive tactics. By focusing on ethiotelecom, this study intended to determine the impact of product innovation strategy on sales performance. The general objective of the study was to examine effects of innovation strategy on sales performance of Ethio Telecom. While the specific objective of the study was to assess the effect of product quality on sales performance, to investigate the effect of product feature on sales performance, to analyze the effect of product design on sales performance, to determine the effect of product mix on sales performance & to assess the time taken to release a single new product or services. The target population of the study were Marketing Division, sales Division & Finance revenue assurance at ethiotelecom head quarter. Sampling technique stratified random sampling was adopted and 134 samples were drawn out of 200. For data analysis I used to IBM SPSS 20 software & to put bibliography & citation I also used Zotero. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The Cronbach’s alpha test was used to assess the instrument's dependability. Multiple linear regression and a correlation model were used to investigate relationships and the impact of product innovation strategy on sales performance. The study findings show that product quality, product style and design, and product mix (portfolio) have a significant and beneficial influence on Ethiopia Telecom's sales success. The study recommends that ethiotelecom shall continue to provide innovated products & services adhering to the globe digital & technological changes. Key Words: Product Innovation strategy, Product strategy & Sales Performance
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    The Role of Product Differentiation Strategies on Competitiveness of Banking Industry Ethiopia : In Case Study of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Zerihun Mamo; Saleamlak Mola (PhD)
    Banking Industry is the growing Industry in Ethiopia which has stiff competition. Telecommunication Industry is also entering the market. For the long run survival of the Banking industry, strategies on how to operate in this dynamic environment are of vital important. Commercial banks in Ethiopia have come to realize that in order to provide value and win customers, there is a need to quickly and accurately identify changes in customer needs, design and develop more complex products which would satisfy those needs, provide higher levels of customer support and service. The study sought to fill the existing knowledge gap by establish influence of product differentiation strategies in achieving competitive advantage in commercial bank of Ethiopia. This research adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population of this study was 574 supervisor staffs working at commercial bank of Ethiopia. The study adopted random sampling which was used to select the sample size of 254 respondents. The study used a semi structured questionnaire to collect primary data. The questionnaire was made of close ended items. Descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviation and frequency distribution were used to analyze the data. Data presentation was done by the use of bar charts and graphs, and frequency tables to ease understanding and interpretation of the data. Regression analysis helped the study establish the statistical significance of influence of product differentiation in achieving competitive advantage in commercial banks. Findings show that, there is significance relationship between variables (cost, market, distribution channel and product process differential) to competitive advantage, hence product differentiation strategy has a positive contribution to competitive advantage. Some of the recommendations are that commercial banks should adopt effective process of delivering financial product such as through agency banking, mobile phone banking, use of RTGS and internet banking distribution channels, POS payment & international gateway payments, use of retail network (branches) ATM and mobile banking distribution channels. Keywords: Product Cost Differentiation, Market, Process, Distribution, Strategy Competitive Advantage
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    The Role of Intermediaries’ Engagement on Insurance Sales Volume: The Case of Abay Insurance S.C.
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-12) Biniyam Ayele; Temesgen Belayneh (PhD)
    The main purpose of this study is to explain the role of intermediaries’ engagement in increasing the sales volume of Abay Insurance S.C. (AISCO). Basic questions were raised, and the study was limited to the specified organization. The chains of activities discussed in Supply Chain Management theory and process, along with the various roles of intermediaries in the insurance business, were conceptualized and modified to answer the research questions. Leaders at the case organization were interviewed, focus group discussions, and questioning were used to collect primary data, while publications, books, and other archive documents were used to collect secondary data. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied, with probability simple random and non-probability purposive sampling techniques used and the data analyzed and presented using SPSS software. The research findings indicated that there was a balanced representation of both genders in insurance brokerage and agent positions. The leadership position was found to be dominated by males, and the correlation and regression analysis results indicated various degrees of association between intermediaries’ engagement scales and AISCO’s sales volume. The finding seems to suggest that efforts to minimize the risks associated with the insurance business have a negative effect on the volume of insurance product sales. Based on the findings, conclusions are drawn, and the researcher suggests possible recommendations to the companies so that they devise effective communication, networking, and marketing strategies that will assist them in enhancing potential customers’ knowledge and awareness about existing products and services through effective capacity-building strategies to improve their agents’ level of knowledge and competence. Moreover, research and scholarly discourses in Ethiopian insurance business recommended emphasizing measuring the engagement of intermediaries and explicating the factors that either promote or impede their contribution in diversifying existing insurance products and services, market share, and sales volume. Key words:Insurance Intermediary Engagement Sales Volume
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    Evaluation of Impact of Marketing Communications on Customers’ Hospital Brand Preference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-10) Hulemenaw Delelegn; Tewodros Mesfin (PhD)
    Marketing communications is a phenomenon that refers to the methods companies use to disseminate information about their products or services. Consumers often find healthcare decision-making particularly disquieting, and anxiety ridden, both for themselves and their loved ones. Healthcare markets are profoundly different from other types of markets, especially from the consumer perspective. Healthcare services evokes a strong, personally felt involvement with consumers. A quantitative, analytical cross-sectional research conducted by installing a five-point Likert scale survey questionnaire to 384 study participants at seven randomly selected private general hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to evaluate marketing communications impacts on customers hospital brand preference. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage) and inferential statistics like correlation and multiple regressions. Of the four forms of healthcare marketing communication practices (referral/words-of-mouth, digital marketing, traditional advertising, and public relation) evaluated in this study, referral/words-of-mouth, with a mean composite score of 3.84 from the Likert response could influence majority of study participants hospital brand preference while seeking healthcare provider. Likert response mean composite scores of 2.96, 2.88 and 2.85 recorded for public relation, digital marketing, and traditional advertising marketing communication modalities respectively, which indicated that those three marketing communication modalities had relatively weak influence on customers hospital brand preference. Referral marketing/words-of-mouth marketing was a critical marketing communication practice in winning customers hospital brand preference on which private general hospitals recommended to invest on while considering other potential marketing communication modalities in their marketing communication practices. KEYWORDS: marketing communication, referral/words-of-mouth marketing, hospital brand preference
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    The Effect of Advertising on Customer Brand Choice: The Case of Senq Malt
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Kaleab Amsalu; Saleamlak Molla (PhD)
    It is essential for every marketer to assess the impact that different kinds of advertising have on the preferences of their target audience. Advertisements such as banners and social media marketing (SMM) are a waste of time and money if they are unable to persuade customers to favor the advertiser's brand and urge them to choose the advertiser's product over the alternatives available in the market. The purpose of this research is to investigate the ways in which commercials influence the brand preferences of consumers of malt beverages. Advertising in the media is one of the most powerful tools that businesses can use to sway customer preference in their favor when it comes to their brand. This study's objective, on the part of BGI Ethiopia, is to investigate the influence of advertising in the media on the brand preferences of consumers (Senq Malt). Participants in the research were residents of Addis Ababa who drank malt on a daily basis. Quantitative research methods and non-probability convenience sampling were used in the selection process to arrive at the final sample size of 384. For the purpose of data collection, a structured questionnaire was applied; this information was then analyzed using SPSS 20 in accordance with a descriptive research technique. According to the results of the study, consumers' brand preferences for malt beverages are influenced by various forms of media advertising. BGI Ethiopia (Senq Malt) should devote more attention to extending their media advertising practice, particularly to the activities and ways through which product attributes are transmitted. This is because the results of the study demonstrate a lack in some of the contributors of uniqueness. According to the recommendation that the researcher made to BGI Ethiopia, media advertisements might have a strategic influence if they are planned or incorporated into a business plan for all stakeholders, coordinated with other marketing tools, and connected with the strategy of the company. This was the conclusion reached by the researcher (Senq Malt). Keywords: Advertisement, media marketing and Brand preference
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    Assessment of Factors Influencing Performance of Family Businesses in Ethiopia: Common challenges
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Kalkidan Dessalegn; Mesfin Workineh(PhD)
    The purpose of this study was to examine many factors associated with family owned businesses that lead to business success and profitability in Ethiopia. The study takes three independent variables that could support Family business to its success, which are Governance, Succession planning, and Education and training. The many problems that arise in family owned businesses are putted/concluded under this variable in this study. This research is a descriptive research design. It can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables. The researcher does not control or manipulate any of the variables, but only observes and measures them. Since the context of family business is infant, this type of research is useful when not much is known yet about the topic or problem. Before you can research why something happens, you need to understand how, when and where it happens. Descriptive research is usually defined as a type of quantitative research, though qualitative research can also be used for descriptive purposes. So in this research uses both qualitative and quantitative approach is used to well describe the idea. The research of this study focuses on how family businesses differentiate from non-family businesses and what are the unique challenges and opportunities facing family businesses. This is the main objective and the research question of the study rotates on. Thirty one (31) family businesses companies, and sixty eight (68) participants which are Family business owners and employees, were interviewed and given questionnaires during the data collection. All were family-owned and minority was not family-run. The theoretical review consists governance theories like Agency Theory, Social Capital Theory, Stewardship Theory and Transaction cost economy, which all has its good sides and downfall on supporting Family business Governance. The Empirical review will review using studies made laying on the three variables of this study. And, when we come to the conceptual frame work is made out of the three variables and their relationship among them to achieve a better performance and success. The research findings were collected data’s outcomes, which will show the uniqueness of this business type. This uniqueness also causes the special challenges and opportunities, which family businesses face in their operations. The most significant characteristic that separates family businesses from non-family businesses is the family’s impact on the business and ownership. The unique family business characteristics, challenges and opportunities stated in the theoretical framework can be applied to the family businesses used in this research. It can be stated companies fit the concept of a typical family business, which is unique compared to other businesses. All of the research findings presented can be called valid and reliable inside this study only and should not be generalized elsewhere due to the limited amount of interviewees used in this research, considering Ethiopia is a very wide country
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    The Effect of Social Media Advertising on Consumers’ Purchase Intentions: The Case of Meta Beer
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Lia Mesai; Getie Andualem (PhD)
    This research was carried out to investigates the effect of social media advertising on consumers’ purchase intentions. Competition is very stiff in the beer industry and since the implementation of a prohibition on all broadcast media advertisements for alcoholic beverages, beer firms are investing more on social media advertising, and into designing strategic ways of managing their social media for the purpose of gaining consumers’ purchase intention.. Hence, the need to investigate the effects social media marketing has on consumers’ purchase intentions using 5 selected independent variables which are understand ability, memorability, credibility, originality, and message appeal of social media ads and a dependent variable of consumers’ purchase intention. An explanatory approach was used, and the researcher evaluated several characteristics using a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale to collect primary data from a variety of sources. The results of the regression analysis revealed that there is statistically significant connection between the five autonomous and purchase intention of consumers. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to indicate a positive relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The results provide insights for Meta beer marketing team as well as any marketer who works in the beer industry and uses social media advertising to be able to decide whether their social media marketing strategies stand good for the growth of their business, or to look for alternative methods and strategies. In addition, the beer industry will have a study to support advertising strategies. Key words: social media advertising, consumers’ purchase intention, beer industry, understand ability, memorability, credibility, originality, message appeal
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    The Effect of Brand Equity on Customers’ Buying Decisions: In the Case of Tomoca Coffee
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Yared Hagos; Mulugeta G/Medhin (PhD)
    The study aimed to measure the effect of brand equity on customersꞌ buying decisions in the case of ToMoCa Coffee in Addis Ababa. The study applied Aaker’s customer-based brand equity model with the four dimensions. To conduct the research descriptive and explanatory research designs were implemented. To identify the sample population, first, the research selected fifteen branches of ToMoCa Coffee of seventeen located in Addis Ababa. Next to this, the research employed a purposive sampling technique to select the final respondent from each selected branch. The suitability and convenience of the data collection instrument were tested by a sample survey. A total of 390 questionnaires were distributed to the 15 branches, and each of them received 26 questionnaires. Out of those 373 respondents filled and returned the questionnaire appropriately. It was a 95.64% response rate. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by SPSS version 24 software. The result was measured through descriptive analysis, mean, standard deviation, and inferential analysis. According to the correlation test, the three independent variables (Perceived Quality, Brand Association, and Brand Loyalty) were demonstrated that had a strong, positive, and significant relationship with the dependent variable Customers’ buying decisions. However, Brand awareness had a moderate, positive, and significant relationship with Customers’ buying decisions. The multiple regression analysis test result reviled that Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Association, and Brand Loyalty had a significant, positive, and direct influence on customers’ buying decisions. Perceived quality was the highest effect on customers’ buying decisions followed by Brand awareness and Brand Association. Brand loyalty had the least effect on the customers’ buying decisions. It was recommended that focusing on products and service quality is a mandatory task in the beverage, and coffee industry, and companies must execute their effort on delivering quality products with state-of-the-art service. Keywords: - Brand awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Association, and Brand Loyalty, Customers’ buying decision, Customer-Based Brand Equity, and ToMoCa Coffee
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    Factors Affecting Destination Preference of Tourists: An Empirical Study on Selected Destinations in Addis Ababa City
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Yodit Yared; Getie Andualem (PhD)
    The objective of this study is to investigate factors affecting destination preference of tourists an empirical study on selected destinations. Specifically, on Entoto and sheger parks, to indicate how destination preference evaluated by domestic tourists in terms of destination image and promotion, attractiveness, Peace & security, Infrastructure and cultural heritage. In order to achieve its objectives and Hence, to make the study strong, descriptive and explanatory design are used. These study gathered data based on the number of domestic tourists 370 local tourists that are selected randomly in Addis Ababa city newly opened Entoto and Sheger Parks. Data sources survey questionnaire, interview, and observation, data collection instruments were also used. Therefore the researcher found out that Out of the six factors Peace & Security, destination Image and promotion and infrastructure have positive and significant effects on destination preference. On the other hand, cultural heritage relatively has a weak and low significant influence on destination preference tourists. The findings of this study also indicated that price and peace and security is the most important factor to have positive and significant effect on destination preference tourists. Based on the findings, improvement on the city infrastructure, ensuring peace and security, price reduction of service for low income community is among the recommendations given. Keywords:- tourism preference, tourism destination, Entoto and Sheger Parks
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    The Effects of Rebranding On Customers Perception: The Case of Hibret Bank S.C.
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Genet Admasu; Mulugeta G/Medhin (PhD)
    This study is conducted with the purpose of examining the effects of rebranding on customers’ perception of Hibret bank S.C. the study test four dimensions of rebranding which is brand repositioning, brand renaming, brand redesign and brand re-awareness whether they have relationship with customers’ perception. Both descriptive and explanatory designs with quantitative research approach were employed. The data were collected from 338 customers in twenty randomly selected branches of Hibret bank in Addis Ababa city through self-administer questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS version 20. The finding of the study was presented by using tables and figures. The relationship between dependent variable (i.e. customers’ perception) and independent variables (i.e. brand repositioning, brand renaming, brand redesign and brand re-awareness) was determined by using correlation and multiple linear regression analysis. In the study the correlation between all independent and dependent variables has been found to be positive. The main finding of the study indicates that brand repositioning and brand redesigns were found to have statistically significant effect on customers’ perceptions whereas brand renaming and brand re-awareness has statistically insignificant effect on customers’ perception. Therefore based on the findings of this research, it was recommended that the bank should ensuring that the new branding is well communicated to the target audience effectively and make sure that the customers are re-aware of every new changes about the new brand features and can further promote the new brand by using different communication medium. Key words: Customer perception, brand repositioning, brand renaming, brand redesign and brand re-awareness.
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    Effect of Product Differentiation on Market Share in the Ethiopian Real Estate Industry: Evidence from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Getachew Birhanie; Mesfin Workineh (PhD)
    The aim of the study was to examine the effect of product differentiation on market share of real estate industries in Addis Ababa City. By taking the research objectives and questions into considerations, both quantitative and qualitative research approach, and both descriptive and explanatory research design were used. The study was delimited to random and purposive sampling techniques. Quantitative data was collected using a structured questionnaire which has been developed and distributed to a sample of 384 customers of the five real estate industries. With a response rate of 95.05%, 365 questionnaires have been returned and were valid for data analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential analysis. The findings of descriptive statistics have shown that the mean score of product differentiation variables i.e. Quality of homes, product design, innovation of homes and brand image inclined to agreement level. Data also collected through interviews from marketing managers and sales person. All independent variables have the significant correlation with the dependent variable “Market share”. In this case, relatively quality of homes had a higher strong relationship with market share. Likewise, the empirical findings of the multiple regression indicated that, all of the predictor variables i.e. quality of homes, product design, innovation of homes and brand image have a positive and significant effect on the market share of real estate industries. The results also revealed that these independent variables were significant joint predictors of market share. The independent variables jointly explained 80.4% of the variance in market share. Finally, recommendations were made for real estate developers based on the findings of the study. Key words: Quality of Homes, Product Design, Product Innovation, Brand Image, Market Share
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    Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior of Locally Manufactured Tyre: The Case of Horizon Addis Tyre
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Getahun Tilahun; Andinet Worku (PhD)
    The study was focused on factors influencing consumers' buying behavior of locally manufactured tyres: The case of Horizon Addis Tyre. To attain this research objective, quantitative data were collected from 384 respondents who are consumers of tyres. But out of the 384 questionnaires distributed 340 were usable, this represents a response rate of 88.5%. The study used an explanatory research design was applied to identify any causal links between the research variables. This research examined if price, quality, availability, promotion, Brand Awareness, and country of origin have a relationship with consumers’ buying decision of locally manufactured tyres. The study used both descriptive and inferential statistics. Purposive and convenience non-probability sampling techniques were used in this study. The statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to examine quantitative data. The result of multiple regression analysis shows that price, availability, product quality, and promotion shows have a positive and significant influence on consumers’ buying decision of locally manufactured Horizon Addis Tyre. However, Brand Awareness and country of origin have no statistically significant effect on consumers’ purchase decisions. The study concludes that manufacturers and retailers of tyre in Addis Ababa should pay more attention to their price, availability, product quality, and promotion are influences on consumer buying decisions. Therefore, it is suggested that the study is expected to provide company stakeholders with a variety of ideas for a better understanding of their consumers, which will help them develop and implement effective strategic plans and marketing strategies. The implications of this research for marketing practitioners are discussed in the article. KEY WORDS: Price, Product Quality, Availability, Promotion, Brand Awareness, Country of Origin, Consumer Buying Behavior
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    Factors Affecting Market Chain Performance in Distribution of Bottle Water: The Case of Daily Bottled Water Company in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Getie Asfaw; Belaynesh Tefera (PhD)
    The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting market chain performance in distribution of bottle water products: the case of Daily Bottle Water Company in Addis Ababa. With report of the varying degree of successes and failures recorded by Water bottling Companies in different parts of Ethiopia, it is important to attempt a detailed study of factors that affects the market chain performance of bottle Water Companies in distribution of their products. To address the research objective 138 sampled respondents were selected using proportional sampling techniques. About 138 questionnaires were distributed; from which 129 sample respondents replied appropriately to the questionnaire. Data gathered were analyzed based on these 129 responses using SPSS V23 software package. Descriptive statistics and explanatory research approaches were employed. All outputs were presented using frequency, correlation and multiple linear regressions. The result indicates that sales promotion, product strategy, relationship marketing, distribution strategy, channel selection, segmentation strategy and positioning strategies were the major influencing factors that determine the market chain performance of the company. Among these strategies, sales promotion, product strategy, and relationship marketing strategy were the most significant influencing factors for market chain performance. The study was recommended that the company have to give more emphasis in maximizing quality and packaging design, should focus on relationship marketing, and set a promotion budget to communicate and to give information about its product using the appropriate promotional tools that increase its market share and to improve its market chain in distribute of its product to customers at anywhere. Keywords: market chain performance, marketing strategy, relationship marketing, distribution management, channel selection, daily bottle water