Browsing by Author "Ademe, Enguday (PhD)"
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Item An Assessment of the Implement of Health Extension Program in Selected Woredas of South Wollo Zone of Amhara Regional State(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Yimer, Eshetu; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)The purpose of the study was to asses the implementation of health extens ion program in the South Wollo Zone of the Amhara regional state. To accomplish this purpose, the study employed a descriptive survey method, which is supplemented by qualitative research methods to enrich the data. With this respect, household models, health extension workers, zonal and woreda health extension experts were sources of data in the study. The data gathering instruments included questionnaires interviews, focus group discussion and documental analysis. Data obtained through questionnaires were quantitatively described and interpreted in light of available literature where has the information obtained through interview were qualitatively described to supplement the quantitative data. The result of the study reveal that model households participated in health-extension training through the organizers of model house holds were health extension workers and kebele administrator, model households agreed on the criterion for selecting only female health extension agents in their kebeles and neighboring kebeles, model households are giving training during coffee ceremony, in development work and in large community meetings to the other households. Purther more, the study reveled that: lack of trained supervisor personnel, lack of support or incentives, lack of career growth and continuing education to health extension workers and lack of clearly defined job description to the supervisor personnel hinder proper implementation of health extension program in the study area. Finally, recommendations are made based on the results of the study. The point of recommendations include: Timely response to social and psychological need of health extension worker such as arrangement of upgrading program based on their performance and year service can decrease dropout rate. Regular supportive supervision and follow up of health extension workers will increase the motivation of health extension workers and facilitates the provision of quality services.Item Cultural Determinants of Females' Enrollment and Academic Achievement in Secondary Schools of Guji Zone, Oromia National Regional State(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Teshome, Habtamu; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)The effect of gender discriminating cultural practice between male and female in the educational process not only restricts females' participation and performance in schools, but also limits the levels, types and areas they participate in the educational system as well as in the society . The problem therefore not only be considered as an obstacle for female advancement, but also as an impediment to the progress of the society. Hence, the main purpose of this study was to explore the cultural factors which hinderfemales ' enrollment and academic achievement in secondary education (9-10) ofGuji zone In order to attain the objective of the study, a descriptive survey method was employed. The study was carried out on five first-cycle general secondary (9-10) schools that were selected using both purposive and simple random sampling techniques. The study also involved 588 female students and 192 male students that were selected using systematic random sampling technique, and 42 teachers (30 male 'and 12 female) selected via stratified (male and female) followed by simple random and available sampling techniques. The simple random (lottery system) was for male teachers and available sampling was for female teachers. The heads of education, culture and tourism, and women's affair offices of the zone and heads of district education offices, and the cultural leaders were also selected purposely and involved in the study. Documentary analysis, questionnaires and interview were the instruments used for data collection. The data gathered were analyzed using various statistical tools such as percentages. chi-square, and the Mann·Whitney test for a large sample size. Based on the result 0/ the analysis, the enrollment ratio of females was less than boys, dropout rate of female students was relatively lower than male students, the dropout rate of females in grade 9 was greater than that of grade 10, females were less than boys in their academic pel.formance. The cultural factors such as; early marriage, pregnancy, the altitude of the society towards females' education,' lack of females role models in the society, females' motivation and expectations, household responsibilities, and fear of sexual harassment, abduction or rape were identified as cultural factors hindering females' enrollment and academic achievement in the study area. It was thus indicated that female students' enrollment and academic achievement is a function of out-ol-school factors. Therefore, it was recommended that measures related to sensitization and education of the community in general and cultural leaders in particular, labor saving technologies, presence of role models, availability of job opportunities be taken to improve females' enrollment and academic achievement in secondary education of Guji zone.Item Culturally Defined Gender Roles and Female Enrolment in Addis Ababa Tvet Colleges(Addis Ababa University, 2009-07) Eyasu, Helen; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)Since early days of human history gender has played a role in assignment · of roles in society. It has been also a cause of deprivation and segregation. Because of culturally defined gender roles the male dominated the economy and the female remained economically subordinate. Both assignment of roles and women's subordination to men has its reflection in cultural practice, language, role in the family, in religions life and so forth. The continuity of the existing cultural practices and attitudes regarding gender roles and the position of the female in society perpetuate the in equality of the sexes as women remain behind in decision making and important aspects of social and economic life of their society. The objective of the research is to find out the relationship between culturally defined . gender roles and female enrolment in TVET colleges in Addis Ababa. On that basis this research work investigates in to the culturally defined gender roles in general and in the context of Addis Ababa and concludes that the public in Addis Ababa has the attitude what role male and female members should play in community and family life. Further, the research investigates whether this has any impact on female enrollment in TVET collages in Addis Ababa. By taking three TVET Colleges, from the five government TVET colleges in Addis Ababa, and further by selecting fields of training dominated by sex at the sample colleges, investigated in to the state of affairs. and concludes that female trainees enroll in fields society attributed as those of roles of females. This is also found equally applicable to male trainees as well. This practice further affects the opportunity females should have if they were to join fields of study had it not been for the biases and prejudices of their gender identity ..Item The Current Practices of Pre-School Education in Wolait A Zone(Addis Ababa University, 2011-05) Tessema, Girma; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)The purpose of this study was to assess the current practices of pre-school education in Wolaita zone regarding curriculum implementation, learning environment, parent's partnership, government support as well as opportunities and challenges. Hence, to conduct this study, a mixed research method which consists of concurrent triangulation design was employed. Accordingly, 3 Woredas and 1 administrative town were selected as a sample among 12 Woredas and 3 administrative towns on the bases of stratified random sampling technique. The stratas were Woredas and Town and it gives equal chance for each stratum. Furthermore, 12 pre-schools were selected from 25 pre-schools of selected sample Woredasltown on the basis of random sampling technique. This technique gives equal chance for all target population. All sampled pre-schoolteachers (30) were used as data sources. All educational experts of the Zone and sampled Woredasl town (5) and sample pre-schools principals were selected purposively. This technique helps to pick cases likely to be information rich and hospitable to the inquiry. In addition to this, sampled pre-schools children 's parents (12), were selected by systematic random sampling which gives equal chance for target population and used when the sample size is relatively large. Moreover, classrooms were selected for observation on the bases of availability sampling technique. The selected pre-school documents, national and regional policy documents were used as secondary sources of data. From the above mentioned informants, data were gathered using questionnaire, interview, observation and document review. The major findings of this research revealed that: most of the studied pre-school teachers, principals and assistant teachers were not trained; most of the studied pre-schools had no assistant teachers and personnel; most of the teachers were lacking experiences; inadequate and inappropriate in-door and out-door materials and equipment; lack of proper teaching methods & instructional material preparation; lack of relevant assessment & record keeping method; low parents partnership & low government attention were among the challenges. As a result, no opportunities of education for pre-school age children of rural majorities and urban poors and no quality provision of pre-school education. Finally alternative recommendations were also forwarded.Item Evaluation of the Curriculum of Construction Equipment Maintenance Training in Alemgena Machine Based Technology Training Center(Addis Ababauniversity, 2016-06) Yadete, Gizaw; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)The purpose of this study was to evaluate the curriculum of construction equipment maintenance at Alemgena Machine Based Technology Training Center. A descriptive quantitative and qualitative research design was adopted. Data obtained through questionnaire; interview, and document analysis. Purposive sampling method was applied to Equipment Maintenance Training Team Leader and Training Manager. Sample trainees and trainers were selected first using stratified sampling to be able to include trainees and trainer participants from the departments available. 88.88% current trainees, 80% recent graduate trainees and 88.23% trainers completed, returned, and used for the study. For the Equipment Maintenance training Team Leader and training manager interview was used to collect the data. Curriculum material observation and analysis were also used. The major findings of the study indicated that, the curriculum is designed in the context of TVET colleges, it is beyond the capacity of the training center due to the shortage time; the module contents couldn’t be covered, inadequacy of equipments and machines for practical training, most of the instructional approaches have been using lecture and discussion for skill training. Finally, the study recommended that need assessment by the training center trainers to adjust the current curriculum with the objective of the training center maintenance training objectives and needs to equip with training resourcesItem The Extent of Economic Empowerment of Women through adult Education: The Case of Kolfe Keranyo Sub-city(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Tesfaye, Zinash; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of economic empowerment of women through adult education. To conduct this study, 238 women‟s and 10 facilitators, coordinators and administrative members were sampled from Kolfe Keranyo Sub-city Woreda 01 and 05. For the women‟s questionnaires were used, and the facilitator ,coordinators and administrative members were interviewed, the content of the questionnaire and interview were about the economic gains derived by women‟s after joining adult literacy program, the major factors influencing women‟s economic empowerment and further supports needed to empower women economically through adult literacy program. The study yields that woman‟s adult education program learners. According to the study, their primary reason for joining adult literacy program were for economic benefit and their major gains are; the increment of the household income level, quality education and better health services for them and their families. On the other hand, the contributing factors for the economic gains are; supports of the concerned bodies and the favorable environments given to them. There are also influencing factors; the traditional attitude, belief and practice. Accordingly, Kolfe Keranyo Sub-city Woreda o1 and 05 administrations perform different activities to achieve full commitment for the success of the economic empowerment of women through adult education by creating awareness for women‟s and the societies about the program. However, with regard to getting quality education; starting from the selection of favorable environments, teaching materials and other supports required from the concerned bodies are some of the limitations with regard to the program. On the bases of the above findings, it is suggested that adult education programs are instruments for women‟s economic empowerment thus, the concerned bodies need to work together to achieve the desirableobjectives.Item Factors Aff Ecting the Academic PerformanCe of Female Students In Physics in Awl Zone Preparatory Schools(Addis Ababa University, 2011-05) Mekonnen, Assaye; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)The aim of this study was to examine fac tors affecting .the acodemic performance of female " ' students in physics in Awi zone preparatory schools, From five prepara tory schools in the zone th ree were selected using sim ple random sampling method. To meet the purpose of the study quantitative and qualitative designs were employed. Natu ral science stream female students, physics department heads and school principals have been used as sources of data. Questionnaire, interview and documen ts were used to .gother data. Th ree heads and three principals were interviewed. Questionnaire was filled by a total of 223 fema le students. The findings indicote that; the main factors affecting their performance were prablems related to home like, lack of parental financial and moral support, parents' law occupational status, making female students family responsibili ty. The prablems related to school such as, stream choice, teachers' attitude and perception, and 'the availability of laboratory services. And problems related to self also incfude perception of physics as being tao difficu lt, lack of interest to learn physics. To alleviate these problems some recommendations were forwarded as: - parents should support femole students finoncially and morally, male family members should share domestic chores, schools should give guidance and counseling so as to bring to science, teachers should aware of female students problem and give a tutorial ciass, the institution also communicote the concerned bodies to fUlfill laboratory services, female students should perceive the subject physics is simple as other subjects which are considered easy for them and develop on interes t to physicsItem The Myth of Ideal Masculinity: Traits, Blood Revenge Practices and Their Impact on Women In Sebentera Kebele, Dab At Woreda, North Gondar Administrative Zone(Addis Ababa University, 2011-06) Amble, Jejaw; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)The Myth of ideal masculine traits has links with the genesis of blood revenge practices. Since blood revenge practices bring serious impact on women the myth of masculine traits are co-responsible for the evils that follow. The custom of blood revenge is prevalent in Sebentra kebele. It brings diverse socio-economic problems to the society in general, and to women in particular. This study is made to address the traits of ideal masculinity and their linkage with blood revenge and the impact of blood revenge practices on women by using qualitative inquiry strategies. To this end, qualitative data gathering methods ( semi-structured interview, focus group discussion, case studies, and observation) were employed to obtain relevant information from the research participants such as local elders, religious men, security forces, and women and men both from the murderer's and victim's group. With regard to the study findings, it has been found out that traits like sympathy, banditry, grudge holding, holding fire-arms, courage and others are treated by the participants as "the traits of ideal (standardized) masculinity. " These traits have a role in encouraging revenge killings. They are deeply anchored in the patriarchal institutions and gender role expectations. BeSides, it has also been found that blood revenge practices bring social, economic, psychological, political and other impacts on women. The study has also explored the customGlY strategies of settling disputes associated with blood revenge practices Thus, the study concludes that in order to tackle the multi fold impacts of blood revenge practices on the society and particularly on women, mainly the society's conception of masculine traits have to be revisited and reconstructed in a different way.Item The Opportunities and Challenges. of Ethiopian Television Programs for Adult Health Education(Addis Ababa University, 2011-06) Tafesse, Deribe; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)This research is conducted to study the opportunities and challenges of Ethiopian television programs for adult health education. Data sources of the study were individuals from governmental and non-governmental organizations and target audiences (adult learners). Samples were purposefully selected participants that helped the researcher understood the problem and the research question. The instruments of data collection were in depth interviews and focus group discussions. The in depth interview participants were mainly selected based on the previous knowledge of the researcher, where as the focus group discussion participants were selected based on the accessibility and audience f eed back toward the television health program and the overall expected health condition and participants age. The first finding of the study shows there is no program which is directly targeted for adult health education. The second finding of the study shows the opportunities of television for adult health educatiQn. High interest of adults towards watching television health education, the availability of the health extension workers of ministry of health staffs (for feed back, need assessment and pretest), using different forms of television programs, the experiences of other countries, addressing large number of audiences at a time and having different discipline experts (like media specialists, health professionals, educational planners) are the opportunity of adult health education via television. The third finding of the study is about the challenge. Lack of coordination among the disciplines and limited language transmission in Ethiopia television, number of television sets can be examples. The researcher finally recommends production and prime time dissemination of adult health education programs via television, using different forms like entertainment health education programs, involvement of adults during production, coordination among different disciplines, using as many language as possible and setting evaluation and monitoring technique.Item The Practices And Challenges of Engaging Women House-Holds In Functional Adult Literacy Programme: In Jimma Zone(Addis Ababauniversity, 2012-06) Abbagumbul, Fedilu; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)The purpose of this study was to assess practices that enhance the engagement of women households in functional adult literacy, assessing fa ctors those hinders it and identifying the strategies that are employed to engage women households in FAL program of the JinlIlla zone. The study used a descriptive case study method, because it was found convenient to portray exi sting situation about practices and challenges to engage women households in FAL programme. The research included I woreda and I special zone. the study participants were selected purposefullyA IO representative respondents composed of 374 women household s, II facilitators, 15 central management committee member at kebele level, 4 experts from woreda education ollice and women affa ir ollice, 4 member of woreda steering committee and 2 experts from local NGO ollice. All of them account 30% of the total population of the study area. Three data gathering tools namely observation check- li st, interview and questionnaire had been employed in order to gather necessary data of the study which were composed of close ended and open ended items were applied in the research. The data analysis technique was applied as that of the qualitative research. The data gathered through interview observation and questionnaire was processed through three concurrent flows of activity of the qualitative anal ysis system which include data reduction, data di splay and conclusion drawing. It was performed using quantitative percentage anal ysis and qualitati ve thematic analys is. Major findings of the research were arranged as follows: Prac tices were; recognit ion of FAL as a means of eradicating poverty, The avai lability of different declaration, Awareness created to the minds of women by influential bodies, Supporti ve legal acts to organize women at different level, Acknowledgement of women's work load by stake holders, Need assessment made at different places und time including others. Chall enges were: I-Ieavy work load, Health problem, Lack of sufficient ti me, Poverty, Failure to receive family or husbands approval, needs to be at home to perform domestic chores, family cnrc. High rate of illiteracy amongst women, Domestic violence agninst women, Lack of access to educational institute, Lack of qualified adult trainer and conte nts, Shortagc of budget, Problem of coordinating the programme etc. Strategies applied to the FAL programme included: Accounting the strategies developed by women, Merging literacy with saving and credit acti vity, Understanding the women perspective, respecting the culture and belief of women, Pushing womcn to\\md leader ship using attract ive teaching mcthods and appropriate contents and Others. Rccommendation forwarded by the researcher arc: Learners, Facilitntors, Governments, NGOs, and Stake-holders civil societies should be dig out the available opportunities and exploit appropriately to break-out the shell of illiteracy th at hamper the achievcment of the Millennium Development Goal, The challenges encountered in the FAL programme may be avoided when curriculum developer and Scholars in the related fields Government, NGOs, Civil Societies , the Ri ches and Stake holders put their contribution sufficiently to solve the problem of; the quality of education, Lack of awarcness ,Shortage of budget, Monitoring and evaluation of FAL programme, Low salary payment for Faci litato rs Including material suppl ies. Thus, everybody whom concern about FAL should apply the strategies and policy of government at the grass-root levelItem Teacher Involvement in Curriculum Material Evaluation A Qualitative Case Study in Secondary Schools of Ethiopia(Addis Ababauniversity, 2014-09) Ademe, Biadgelign; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)Item Work Situations of Women Teachers in Rural Primary Schools of North Shoa Zone in Amhara Region: Challenges And Opportunities(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Nigussie, Aklilu; Ademe, Enguday (PhD)The purpose of this study was to assess work situations of rural primary school women teachers in relation to challenges and opportunities. It was conducted in North Shoa Zone of Amhara Region using mixed approachboth quantitative and qualitative methods. Three data collecting instruments: questionnaires, interview and FGD were used. The sources of data were 180 Primary school female teachers, 18 principals, 18 cluster resource center supe rvisors, 20 education experts, 7 TARs, 6 heads of WEOs, 6 WWAOs heads and 6 PTA members selected by using simple random and purposive sampling techniques. The major findings of the study were community's lack of confidence in female teachers' performance, poor administration capacities of principals and CRC supervisors in getting women teachers benefited from affirmative actions and danger of sexual harassment that challenged rural primary school women teachers in their day-to-day performances. The existence of priority during recruitment, placement, transfer and leadership positions and recognition of their rights though limited in coverage were found to be opportunities to female teachers. Finally, to minimize problems facing rural primary school female teachers, mobilizing the community for cooperation, the need for short and long term trainings and harmonized working conditions between WEOs and WWAOs were forwarded to empower female teachers consistently.