The Practices of Integrated Water Resources Management and its Stumbling Blocks in the Catchments Area of Gafarsaa Water Supply Dam

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Addis Ababa University


GefJersa water supply dam is one of the water supply dams of Addis Ababa city. It is located within the Burayu Town and Walmara Aanaa Administration in the special zone ofOromiyaa surrounding Finjinnee. Within the catchment areas of this dam there are very high anthropogenic activities that can afJect the sustainability of water in the reservoir. Due to this, the study area is selected to be investigated under the study title "The practices of IWRM and its stumbling blocks in the catchment area of GefJersa water supply dam ". The main objective of this study is to check whether there are integrations or not among the stakeholders of GefJersa water supply dam and its catchment area toward the practice of IWRM. It encompasses the specific objectives such as assessing whether IWRM is being practised or not in the catchment area, identifYing the problems that hinder practicing of IWRM in the catchment area of GefJersa Water supply dam, recognizing compatible developmental activities appropriate to the catchment area and proposing alternative policy recolllmendation that help to guide implementation of IWRM in the catchment area. The research was conducted through mixed research method (qualitative and quantitative data coliection methods) i.e. focus group discllssion, questionnaires, direct jield observation and document analysis. The relevant data was collected from different population group thot interact within the catchment area. Purposive sampling was used to select head administrator of relevant sectors of Burayu Town and Walmara Aanaa Administrations, and Addis Ababa City Water Supply and Sewerage Service Authority and investors in the catchment area. Systematic sampling was lIsed to select the farmers found in the catchment area. To get the necessCIIY inforlllation about the land use changes of Gafarsaa catchment area starting from prior years of the dam construction for watershed analysis, the top jive persons with highest age found around the dam were selected purposively for in-depth interview using semistructured questions. The urbanized area that is approximately inhabited with 550 HHs was treated only by taking jield observation and through focus group discussion with the representatives of BTA in order to gather information about the existing storm water control and sewerage disposal facilities. The relevant data sources were assessed in order to get information about land uses of the study area and national water resources policy. The human activities that threaten water in the dam are the land related activities proceeding within the catchment area such as agriculture, livestock rearing, deforestation, investments, uncontroliedwaste disposal and urbanization. The miss uses of lands by the inhabitants of the catchment area emanate from lack of integration among the stockholders of the GCA. This shows that there is lilllited understanding of the concepts of IWRM. Hence, the study conjirmed that the IWRM has not practiced in the catchment area of GWSD. Therefore, the catchment area of GWSD should have independent management unit in which all the stockholders should involve in IWRM from planning to illlplementation.



Practices of Integrated Water Resources
