Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Journalists from Private and Government Media Institutions: The Case of Six Selected Media Institutions
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Addis Ababa University
This study attempted to examine the factors that affect job satisfaction of journalists from Private
and Government Media Institutions. It also investigated the overall job satisfaction of journalists. To
address this, a total of 100 journalists were considered using convenient sampling techniques.
Out of the 91 respondents, 45 from government and 46 ji-om private media institutions filled in
self administered questionnaire in English adopted by the researcher from Spector (J 997) Job
satisfaction Survey, an instrument to assess an employee's attitude toward variables such as pay,
promotion, supervision, operating procedures, nature of work ,fringe benefits, rewards and
communication. The journalists Demographic Survey were designed by the researcher to collect
demographic data from the population. Besides, to substantiate and find out the factors that
contribute to journalists turnover qualitative data were employed. The data obtained were
analyzed by using descriptive statistical techniques of ji-equencies, mean and standard deviation.
The finding of the study reveals that there were multiple factors that affect journalist's job
satisfaction. Among the nine sub scales of Job satisfaction survey, pay, rewards, benefits,
supervision, and promotion were recorded low mean score. Journalists were also ambivalent
with their communication and relation with coworkers. The finding further reveals that
respondents from private and government media institutions expressed satisfaction by their
nature of work. More over this research indicates that majority of the respondents have an
intention to leave their current job. On different notion majority of the respondents were not
ready to change their profession yet. Results obtained through overall job satisfaction question
indicated that most of the respondents are dissatisfied by their work situation. Likewise the
interview result displayed multiple factors that contribute to journalist 's job satisfaction and
turnover. Based on findings of the study all stake holders, recommended to critically examine the
existing problems and tray to elevate the problems so as to make journalists enjoy their work and
contribute for the development of the country.
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction, Government Media Institutions