Stuents Disciplinnary Problems in One Government and Three Praivate Preparatory Schools the Case of Addis Ketema Sub City of Addis Ababa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study is to assess the types and causes of students’ disciplinary problems in
preparatory schools in Addis Ketema Sub City and to forward helpful interventions to minimize the
problems in the schools under study. The study was based on descriptive research methods.
Qualitative and quantitative approach was used so as to come up with adequate /proper findings A
Proportional stratified sampling technique was employed to take the number of subjects selected from
each stratum based on percentages of subjects in the population. Descriptive statistics mainly, cross-
tabulations, frequency count, and percentages mean and weighted mean were used by employing
SPSS computer software in the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the findings. The study
reveals that, the major causes of students disciplinary problems are the absence of implementing
school law. Parents limit their participation in the handling of students’ disciplinary problems. They
were absent on the follow up of students’ day to day activities. The dynamic factors behind school
level disciplinary problems were the collective effects of school environment. The absence of strict
school rules and regulations, the absence of parental follow-up on students’ day to day activities, the
absence of good leadership of school principals and the negligence of the society to take part in
alleviating the students’ disciplinary problems are some of the cause of students’ disciplinary
problems to be found in this study. Furthermore, cheating during examination b, learners do not have
social contact c, disobedience d. fighting e. students use cell phones in the school, f. stealing g.
calling teachers by name and h .damaging school property or vandalism were identified as the major
types of students disciplinary problems in this study. Therefore, Schools should have strict rules and
regulations and should incorporate in its rules “what is forbidden” and give awareness to the
students early and should implement the rules strictly and consistently. Schools should have strong
relationships with parents through PTA and should work in coordination with them concerning the
disciplinary problems or issues. Teachers should understand the contribution of parents and the
society to students disciplinary problems so that, they should have close relationships with them to
minimize it. Parents should work cooperatively with the school and must not be ignorant of their
child’s behavior in order to shape them in a desirable manner and to create conducive atmosphere by
having integrated relationships with their school.
Stuents Disciplinnary Problems in One, Government and Three Praivate Preparatory