Assess Quality of Website: The Case of Tour Operating Firms’ in Ethiopia.

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Addis Ababa University


Websites of tour operating firms’ relating to quality need to be attractive and must carry their quality by WQI parameters. However, there is hardly any prior study that has investigated the website quality of tourism sector in Ethiopia. This study aims at evaluating the website quality of tour operating firms in particular. From the total of 480 tour operating firms accredited by MoCT, only 175 firms’ have active websites. Hence, the list of these 175 firms served as a sample framework and a census sampling method was used in this study due to its manageable size. The study evaluates websites with an inclusive set of criteria, based on Web Quality Index. The Modified WQI comprises a total of four aspects, 12 parameter subject areas, 60 items based on contributions from experts in each of the item to work, and measure the quality of websites. The website of these 175 firms was rated by three ICT experts at a six-point scale for the five items developed under each dimension. Then, the average rating score of the three experts was considered in the website assessment of the tour operating firms. Before data analyses, validity and reliability tests were conducted. The mean score of the valid and reliable items under each dimension was computed. The findings show that the website of tour operating firms scored high on the usability and accessibility dimension (3.8317 mean out of five), while the score is low on the language aspect (1.6510 mean out of five). The rating scores under each of the 12 dimensions is thoroughly presented and discussed. Overall quality of tour operating firms’ website included in the study has a generally below average which is sufficient quality (2.6485 means).This study concludes that the websites of tour operating firms should be updated and improved based on WQI. It is recommended that the tour operating firms should strive to make their websites more attractive and friendly use by adding features that support decision making at different stages of travel which would enhance website quality.



Website, Website Quality, Parameter, Quality, Tour Operating Firms’, Web Quality Index.
