Assessment of Health Care Service Working Mothers Exclusive Breast- feeding Practice and their Perception towards the Breastfeeding Support Program at Work Place in Governmental Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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Addis Abeba University
Background: In different parts of Ethiopia employed mothers wean breast feeding earlier than
unemployed mothers due to early returning to work after child birth. A recent World Health
Organization (WHO) internal employee‟s based study recommended that the employer should
provide, prenatal/ postpartum services, which include separate rooms for breastfeeding, nursery
childcare and provide flexible time and lighter job to working mothers.
Objectives: To assess health care service working mothers exclusive breast-feeding practice
and determining factors and their perception towards the breast-feeding support program at work
place in Governmental hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2020
Methods: A mixed methods research of institutional based cross sectional quantitative study
design supplemented with qualitative method was conducted in Addis Ababa Governmental
hospitals. For the quantitative portion the sample size was estimated using a single population
proportion formula and become 403. For the qualitative, in-depth interview was done for
working mothers having child less than 2 years until information of interest is saturated. Simple
random sampling technique was used for the cross sectional quantitative research design and
purposive sampling for the qualitative. The data for the quantitative was collected using a face to
face interview questionnaire and semi-structured interviews for the qualitative data. For the
qualitative, during dada collection period, the obtained data through Interviews was audio taped
by digital sound recorder. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, proportions, and measures of
central tendency and measures of variation used to describe the distributions of variables. The
logistic regression model was used to assess the relation between dependent and explanatory
variables. The qualitative data analyzed using content analysis.
Result: Only 95(24.1%) continue EBF after returning to work and majority of them stop EBF before
six months due to work related reason 270(89.9%) while the rest were due to different reasons 30(10.
15%). The odds of discontinuing EBF after return to work is 8 times higher (OR: 7.98, 95% CI
1.64-38.90) among women who works in shift compared to women who works by the regular
office hours. With all the importance that the mothers mentioned about the breast feeding
support program but they prefer not to use the program due to cleanliness issues and transportrelated
Conclusion: Health care service working mothers discontinue EBF before 6 month due to
different reasons but mainly due to work related reason and mothers intention to use the breast
feeding support program which helps mothers to continue EBF is affected due cleanliness issues,
transport difficulties, hospital acquired infections and work overload.
Breast- feeding Practice