The process of regularizing informal settlements and the issue of affordability in relation to the process: The case of “Shed Sefer” woreda 10, Yeka sub city, Addis Ababa city

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This thesisstudies the process of regularization of informal settlements in the city of Addis Ababa. The studyalso looks into the issue of affordability in relation to the regularization process. The case study method was used to conduct the study. In order to get a wider information, interviews were done from 20 households, selected government officials, brokers and a review of government and municipal documents to generate empirical data. In addition to that secondary data; maps, satellite images, pictures and documents were examined. Review of different literatures concerning the regularization and related subjects were undertaken to give a better understanding on the case. Both the international and contextual conditions were included in this study. Selected cases, with different situations, were studied to illustrate the condition on the ground. The data collected from the study area has information on how the regularization process was conducted and how effective it was. The study found that the process took longer than it should have because of the low awarenesson how the regularization works. Another finding was that, those who inherit their land and those who got larger lands find it difficult to afford the land price. To tackle these impediments, the government had used different methods, but still it was difficult for some of the residents. The study recommends that,the government should let citizens participate in all the decisions made before implementing for a better outcome.


This thesis is submitted to the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC) and to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University (AAU) for Partial fulfilment of all requirements of Master of Science in Housing and Sustainable Development


informal settlements, regularization and affordability
