Assessment of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) Utilization among Children under five years of age and Pregnant women of Adama Woreda, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
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Addis Abeba Universty
Background: East Shoa Zone is one of the 14 Zones in Oromia Regional States accounting
more than half of malaria burden annually. Among 12 Woreda in the Zone Adama Woreda is
highly malarious, almost 95% of the land malarious and 91% of population at risk. Over
20,000 bed ITNs were distributed in the area. Additionally, the role of Social marketing is not
negligible. Despite the efforts to achieve the goal, locally there is critical lack of information
about ITNs ownership by households, utilization among under 5 children and pregnant
women and factors affecting utilization.
Objective: The study is aimed to assess the proportion of Insecticide Treated Nets ownership
by households, utilization among under 5 children and pregnant women and factors affecting
ownership and utilization of Adama Woreda.
Method: Community based cross- sectional survey was conducted during September 2006.
Primarily, the malarious villages were stratified as rural, suburban kebeles and factory camps.
The existing households were identified using registration list available at Woreda health
office. Study units were identified by multistage random sampling technique. A total sample
of 845 households was proportionally selected. Both self-reported information and direct
observations were used to collect data. Data was entered to the computer using
EpiinfoVersion6 and analyzed in SPSS 11.0 version statistical software. Tables and figures
were used to present the data. Frequency distribution, percentages and Odds Ratio with 95%
level of confidence were calculated and interpreted accordingly.
Result: A total of 826 households were assessed, among which 494 and 116 households were
assessed with children under 5 years of age and pregnant women, respectively. Four hundred
and ninety seven (59.7%) households were observed owning at least one ITN. Three hundred
and four (61.5%) children and 73 (62.9%) pregnant women were living in the household
owning at least one mosquito net. Direct observation of household has confirmed that only
20.2% and 14.7% of children and pregnant women respectively, were utilizing properly
mounted ITNs. Self-reported utilization was over reported compared to direct observation.
Regarding a factor for non-owning of ITNs, high price and Locating for free distribution were
among the major once. Among major factors for none utilizing, absence of mosquito in the
house (53.8%), and forget to mount net (34.6%). In general, knowledge and practice of ITNs
were significantly associated with place of residences, educational status and health
information of the respondents.
Conclusion and Recommendation
The coverage of ITNs in the area is highly encouraging, although the significant proportion of
households was not covered. Not all mosquito nets owned by households were being properly
utilized used by young children and pregnant women. Significant proportions of vulnerable
groups were not covered. Hence, prioritizing vulnerable groups during distribution, household
education on careful and consistent utilization of bed net with great emphasis to high risk and
priority groups and district level educational monitoring and regularly ongoing survey were
Assessment of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs)