Poverty, Access to Finance and Markets in Rural Ethiopia: Empirical Evidence from Coffee Growing Households

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This paper Iries III eSlahlish Ihe link 11701 access 10 credil and prodllci markels have on Ihe \i'elfclre sl({/IIS or hOllseholds in .lilĀ·e co/lee growing zones o/OrolJlia and SNNP regional sl(l/es. BOlh descripl ive (poverly profile) and regression analysis are employed. II was fa lind 1/70/ {he incidence (d poret!." 11'us./iJlll7d to he r0l11pal11 in the situ/)' area 1\ ';Ih head COlll71 ratio or (Un, a hi( .I'll/oller figllre Ihan Ihe official eslimales or Ihe incidence o(po,'en,' in rllml ({reo s. Whereas .Jill/lila uml IIll1hohllr " 'ere fOllnd 10 he signi/icol7li1' di/j'erel/I F um Wesl Hu/'Urge, Ihis di/ference "'ilh Sidul//o and !lllIhahllr " 'ere n(}f signijicol7I. Access (() credi/lFos ./i17I17" 10 he significal7lly explaining Ihe level o( po"err), in Ihe .\'wnple hOllseholds. Households l\'ho hu\'(! on uccess fO credif ha\'e more prohahililY o(getling o/(f (~r poverty Ihon households 'I'ho don 'I IU/I'e an access 10 ii, Moreover, Ihe ' I'elfclre or hOllseholds wilh nmrer produci /11arke /.\' is heller Ihan Ihe ,,'el/ilre or households hOl'ing disf({nl producI II/urkels, There/in'e, pr01'isiol/ or rllral credil IU Ihese households 'I'ill help Ihem finance ;m'eSfml!n1S (lnd to insure oguinsl risks and Iherehy enhances their \I'e(j"al'C!. J\;/uking markels ' I'ork fill' Ihe poor is imporlanl "e('({{/I'e poor people rei1' on /i)rll'lol and infi)/'/l1ol murkels 10 \'ell Iheir protiIiG/s. rVel/:/ilJ1clioning markets are important in generating gnHFlh lind expanding oJ7porllmi/ies fi)J-/he p()or.


Thesis Submitted To The School Of Graduate Studies 011 Addis Ababa University In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For-The Degree Of Master Of Science In Economics


Poverty Access, Coffee Growing Households

