Self-esteem, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance of Police Officers in Ethiopian Police University College
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This study was focused on examining the relationship between self-esteem, job satisfaction,
and job performance of police officers. 303 samples were randomly selected and
questionnaires were administrated to police officers. Of which 293 returned back the
questionnaires. Quantitative research design was employed as a research design and data
collected through standardized and adapted instruments like Rosenberg Self-esteem scale,
job satisfaction survey, and job performance instrument. The data were analyzed based on
descriptive and inferential statistics. Independent sample t-test was employed to check
whether there is a gender difference on the study variables. The result showed that there was
no significant difference between gender and self-esteem, job satisfaction, and job
performance score levels. The bivariate correlation result indicates that self-esteem of police
officers have very weak, inverse and statistically not significant relationship with job
satisfaction. And also, job satisfaction has a very weak, inverse, and statistically not
significant relationship with job performance. But, self-esteem has weak, positive, and
statistically not significant relationship with job performance of police officers. Furthermore,
the result of multiple regression analysis showed that the variable of self-esteem and job
satisfaction explained 0.3 % of the variance in the level of job performance, and it has no
statistically significant power to predict predictor variables over criterion variable. The
99.7% of the variation in the level of job performance of police officers was not explained by
other variables in the model. And also, the Standardized Beta Coefficients give a measure of
the contribution of each variable in the model. Therefore, the self-esteem of police officers
have 9.7 % positive contribution on job performance and job satisfaction of police officers
have a negative effect (-0.3 %) on job performances. Based on the finding, the study
concludes with some recommendations, and conclusions on how to maintain and improve the
level of self-esteem, job satisfaction and job performance of police officers
Police officers, self-esteem, job satisfaction, job performance