Socio-economic and Proxlmate Factors Affecting Fertility in Rural Ethiopia: The Case of Cheha and Ezha-and-wolene Weredas

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Addis Ababa University


In this study an attempt has been made to investigate the interrelationships between socio-economic factors and proximate determinants on the one hand and socia-economic factors and fertility on the other. In addition, the association between proximate variables and fertility was examined. The study was based on a sample survey of 681 ever married women in the child bearing age group (15-49 years) and 160 currently married men selected from 10 out of 117 Peasant Associations found in Cheha and Ezha-and-Wolene Weredas. The accuracy of the data on age and number of children ever born was evaluated by very simple demographic techniques. The data was analyzed using Chi-Square, simple correlation and multiple and stepwise regression. Generally the bivariate analysis showed that proximate variables were found to vary among Peasant Associations according to the socia-economic background of the respondent. Women's education was directly related to age at first marriage, incidence of spousal separation, and frequency of marriage. But duration of breast-feeding and post partum sexual abstinence was lower among better educated women. Age at first marriage, incidence of spousal separation and frequency of marriage were negatively associated with proportion muslim. Duration of breast-feeding abstinence and proportion of monogamous women were higher among muslims. Economic status was observed to be positively associated with incidence of spousal separation and polygamy, but negatively related to frequency of marriage and duration of ful-breast- feeding. On the other hand child mortality and duration of ful -breast-feeding were negatively related. The bivariate and mUltivariate analysis thus revealed that except education, all socia-economic factors (christianity, economic status and child mortality were positively related to fertility. Therefore, to lower fert i lity, it is recommended to raise women's education and reduce child mortality.



