Analysis of Logistics Chain of Fertilizer from Port and Improved Seed from Production Area to Farmers

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Addis Ababa University


Ethiopia is a landlocked country and movement of the import and export commodities depends on neighboring coastal countries port. The country is challenged in traversing through the neighboring countries due to high port charges and less effective logistics systems in the inland activities of import –export commodities. The development of logistics concept is in an infant stage which has not given special concern till recent years. There is a larger gap between the industry development and the logistics concept nationally. This thesis was to assess the logistics chain of fertilizer from Djibouti port and maize improved seed from production area, observe the seasonality of fertilizer flow, minimize the logistics chain costs and lead time, identification of barriers of fertilizer flow throughout the distribution network and make recommendations for efficient and effective logistics chain. Logistics chain of fertilizer was not well coordinated between the stakeholders. Warehouse-transport interface was the main challenge in overall efficiencies of logistics chain. The challenges are mainly unloading problems due to uncoordinated cooperative unions with transporters and importers. Late delivery of fertilizer to farmers especially during the farming time affected the effective application to the farm. The maize improved seed price was observed incomparable with the selling prices of farmers’ product of similar quantity. Seasonality of fertilizer flow from port was checked with one way ANOVA comparison test using SPSS 15.0. Demand forecasting was done with time series method and the forecasted value was adjusted with seasonal index. Location analysis was done with center of gravity method using the annual consumption of fertilizer for each zone of the country. The coordinates of each zone for this method was determined from GIS 9.3 based on the mean center of woredas’ population within the zone. To determine the dominant consumer level of fertilizer in Ethiopia, Cluster Mapping and hotspot analysis was made using GIS 9.3 based on the average six year consumption levels of each zone. Route optimization was also made with GIS 9.3 from Djibouti port to the central warehouses. The result might not be reliable for some routes as it was not used travel time for the optimization instead travel distance which provided the shortest possible distance for the un updated national digital road networks. The pair wise mean comparison of the four quarters indicated that there were a significant different fertilizer flow during quarter 1 (September, October, November) with Quarter 2 (December, January, February) and Quarter 3(March, April, May) but not different with Quarter 4(June, July, August). Using location analysis, proposed warehouses were suggested for efficient distributions of fertilizer throughout the country. The optimum route obtained in some cases required to be checked accounting for road condition.



Analysis, Logistics Chain, Fertilizer, Seed, Production Area, Farmers
