An Assessment on the Risk Management Practice Of construction Projects: Case Study of Defense house construction Enterprise.
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Addis Ababa University
The performance of construction projects is considerably affected by project risks in terms of
cost, time and quality. Risks within the housing industry aren't limited to construction projects as
it is largely presumed. However, Defense construction companies aren't observed trying to cope
up with them. The objective of the study to assess the risk management practice of Defense
housing project in Shogole site. The study was a descriptive type, which made use of both
qualitative and quantitative approaches as methodology to address the research objective. Data
was collected via semi structured questioners and open-ended interview questions effectively.
Among 83 employees working as the contractor and consultant in the companies being involved
in the project, questionnaires were distributed to 38 engineers working in different positions and
interview was made with the construction manager. Participants who involved in completing the
questioner were selected using purposive sampling. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize
the quantitative data compiled by SPSS 20. Data were summarized using tables and percentages.
The study generally revealed that the housing and development agency is practicing risk
management in an ad-hoc manner, where there is no well-designed and workable policy being
implemented to guide the threat management and no enough attention is given to risk getting to
channel the risk identification, analysis and response concurrently with the project plan and
objective. Based on this finding the study has provided recommendations on how to apply risk
management process practice in Defense housing project.
Key words:
Risk management,, Risk management practices, construction risk management