The Role of liTigation Development in Enhancing Household Food Security: A Case o/Three Small-Scale Irrigation Schellles ill SOllthel'll Natiolls, Natiollalities (lJ/{1 Peoples' Region
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
nlis SIIl(~F exolllilleS fhe [{se of irrigation development for food security throllgh its impact on food
(lI'ailahilily. (f('cess alld rliversUicalioll. lis llIaill objective being 'he stl1(~)' of impact of irrigation all
hOlfse/wld food see/ll";ly. the research focllses 011 how irrigation is used (0 challge households'
d('cisioll 011 fhod produCiioll (e.g. croppillg patlem), food supply volullle, access to them, and their
/-Iofise/lOld slIrvey alld fieldwork observation were used /0 collected data at cOl1llJ1l111ity, hOllse/wld
(llId intiividllal/eve/s. Dafa related 10 area Hilder cul/iva/iol,. agricultural ill/ellsily . household wealth
S((flllS lIlId croppiJlg patteI'll related data were collected using strllcllIred questionnaire, by /.Ising
/oca/()! recrlfited alld 'railled enumerators. Study areas' background characteristics, attitudes of
SOVerllJlle1l1 elllployees andfelrmers tOl·vards irrigatiol1 and olher related data were accessedfrom line
offices alld implemelltillg agencies. Tile alia lysis is undertaken lIsing statistical lools sllch as
percellllige values and chi-square lests, 011 top of qualitative analysis.
l/w.findillgs o( tilis stnd)' higlilight the posilive impact of irrigation as it conld brillg increased
agriclilflIral prod/(C/ion and prodllctivity, belter access offelllale members to incollle, alld improved
1I 'e(t/,h statlls ;)./ 'he area. Food secllri~)' situation is enhallced as a result of livestock and its products '
increase. agriculfllral crop divers~licalioll, agricullural inlensijication alld enabling more labour
ellgagemeJ/t ill ./(11"111 activities. Cropping pattern decisions are also changed due to existence of
irrig(l{ioll, reslfltillg ill gellerating /IIore income and access 10 marketablefood.
II is also ohserved Ihal households wilh access to irrigatioll have been able to double their yearly
h{//,v(!.\·/, /he,.e/~)' improving their access to more food. Similarly, irrigators could improve their diet
('ompositioll dlfe I() divers(fied food sources. J¥om ell in Ihe study area have beel/ able to save time
.Ii·()1JI dOllles/ie (le/ivities alld contribute to .farm activities ill addition 10 improved access to
agricullllrlll prot/I/o.\" il1 Ihe IOllg I"UII. Finally. small-scale irrigation developlllell/ alld rehabililatioll
(?F lIoll-opera/imwl schemes wilh perlillellt, participal.O/J' planlling alld equipped operatioll alld
lIlaintellallce .\ysleJll is suggestedfor reducingfoad insecurity si/uatioll oflhe region.
Development in Enhancing Household