Assessment of Customers' Attitudes and Satisfaction Levels With Technology Based Self Service: A Case Study on Atm User of Dashen Bank in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
In Ihe presenl silualion companies have many possibilities to realize service offerings
,rilh huge investmenl in selfservice lechnologies, as the lechnology became Ihe driving
force 10 sen'ice Ihe CUSlomers e[fectively and helpfit! in delivering Ihe services, Noll' a
dOlS il become challenging for Ihe companies 10 serre CIISlomers e[feClively ,rilh in a
prescrihed lillie pm"iding Ihe righl pmducls wilh Imrer COS I, To gel rid oflhis issue
o{lhe orga/'li~OIio/'ls are sholl'ing illleresl employ selj:sen'ice lechnologies (/ike.-J Tl1s,
fick el rending machines. online (lilc/ions etc.).
The purpose oj'lhis Ihesis concenlrales on service lIIarkeling and service qualily in order
10 pro , 'ide a belfer underslOnding o{ cuslOmers' alfiludes and preferences wilh
leelJllology based sel{serrice, The swdy specifically aillled al inl'esligaling Ihe alfiludes
andsmisjilclionlcrels o(Dashen Bank ArM card holders wilh respeclto l'C/rious aspecls
le(liciel/(T, LOnl'enicnce, speed. risk. reliahilily, cOlllplexily, phl'Sical appearance elc.) of
using /)ash"n Bonk ,-I TIl The slillh' also includes Ihe opinions o(euslolllers on l'(/rious
other ,'('Iuled i .\·S/(l'S .\/(ch uS posilire (lnd Ile.!..!.u/iIT .Ii..J(/Il ,,· e.~ (~( D(lshen Bank .-1 T\1.
reo)lIlIJ}('nt/ulioJls to illl/)I"vl't.! /he serrin..' quO/il)' etc.
To IIchiel'e Ihe purl'osc, Ihe researcher used queslionnaire 10 colleCl Ihe daw ji-O lll a
slllllple si~e I!{ I 72 f l n I cord holders oj'Dashen Bank. Though Ihe sample lI 'ere selecred
0/'1 (I cOl1l'l!nicl1ce hasis 11l1d il lIIay nol represen/ Ihe whole popular ion, bUI slill il is no
less illlporl{ll1ljiJl' Ihe /)oshen Bank lIIal1agemel1f 10 consider Ihe recommendalions " 'ilh
due core/i)r beller CUS{() lIIer service amlfor being in a beller cOlllpel ilive posilion
The daw analysis is hosed on bOlh qllali/(ilive and quantilalive mel hods, sllpporled by Ihe
quoli!alive in/orlllalion and IileralUre reviews, Finally, in terms of important findings,
1110.1'1 o/Ihe users are lIIale, younger and more educaled people who earns a highly
incollle, In addilion, wilh regard to speed, risk, ease a/use and physical appearance, Ihe
lIlojorily o/Ihe respondel1ls have posilive alliludes with ATM service of Dashen bank.
Bill, " 'ilh regard 10 efficiency (wailing lime), convenience (accessibilily), and reliabililY
(colIs i.l'lel1C) ) allrihulcs: Ihe lIIojorilv o(ATM card holders has u lIegmi,'e or un(ol'oroble
affilllll"s 'l'ilh Ihc "I T\ 1,le)'l'ice o/Dusll('l1 hUlik