the verbt TO BE IN OROMO

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Addis Ababa University


The object;l':f'f this paper is b analyse the ve r b 'to be ' in Or omo . The pape r has seven sections : In sections one and two identification of the pr ob l em and a brief survey Df relevant lite rature a r e given. In the third section the shapes is treated. copular form ~-Da with "- In the fourth section its diffe r ent allomorphic othe r copula r expressions : Existence, Location, Attribute, Identity, and Possession in the s i mple declarative pr esent tense are dealt with . In secti~n five ¥ses of copular verbs in the different tenses is shown . I n section six the negative form of the c opular expressions~ given . In the concluding section, a brief compa ris on of mo r pho l ogy and syntax of copula r expression s of thr ee ~)anguages : Hindi, Amharic, and Japanese is carried ou t. Japanese, like Or omo , is said to be of " Rigid III" syntactic type , whereas Hind i and Amharic are supposedly transitional . I n the a na lys is of the c opu la a c ontroversial mo r pheme (~wh ich was treated as a possessive ma r ke r by ear lier write rs, is identified as a copula in this paper. This is'a poi nt of special interest and still ~ I t is evident that the analysis of the complex ~, c ontroversial. suppletive copular system of Or omo r equires fu r the r work beyond the limits of this thesis . Fo r example, the r ole of auxiliaries and vari ous transformations invol Ving copulas need to be taken up .



