Report on Pediatric Ward Attachment at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital

dc.contributor.advisorDebebe, Zelalem (PhD)
dc.contributor.advisorTefera, Muluwork (PhD)
dc.contributor.advisorHabtamu, Abebe (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorSenay, Kebron
dc.contributor.authorZeki, Eman
dc.description.abstractTikurAnbessa specialized hospital (TASH) started providing service to the whole country since 1964 (‘Healthcare in Ethiopia’, 2020) as a memorial of Prince Mekonnen, the Duke of Harar. TASH annually serves about half a million patients in the outpatient department; 50,000 patients in the inpatient department and 40,000 patients in the emergency department.The pediatric department provides services under different units and the ward consists around 200 beds. In general, the hospital does not provide optimal food service for pediatric patients admitted except for malnutrition treatment unit and the hematology unit that are temporarily supported by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Hospital malnutrition is a one major health concern in hospitals adding more to the existing disease conditions. Malnutrition in hospitals may include the nutritional status before and after admission and in both cases, dieticians are going to intervene to restore the health of the patient.According to the initial communication done with Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (unpublished communication), the rate of malnutrition on discharge is higher than rate of malnutrition on admission in the pediatric department. Objective The objective of this project is to ensure that optimal nutritional care service is included in the health care management of the pediatric patients in TASH Methods This project was done between October 2020 G.C. and February 2021 G.C. in TASH pediatric ward. It included proposal development, general patient assessments on the patients admitted and were able to participate, ward inspection and information gathering, report writing and developing a meal guide. Result We found 2 (5.4%) children who were severely malnourished (<11cm) and were also identified by the hospital and are on nutrition therapy, 1(2.7%) child who is moderately malnourished (11cm -12.5cm) was identified as having a nutritional problem but was not put on a special nutritional support, 5 (13.5%) children at risk of malnutrition (12.5cm – 13.5) were not identified as at risk and 15 (40.5%) children who were well nourished (>13.5cm). Using other anthropometric parameters such as weight for age, weight for height and height for age we were able to differentiate children who had actual and potential nutrition related problems.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectReport on Pediatric Ward Attachmenten_US
dc.subjectTikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitalen_US
dc.titleReport on Pediatric Ward Attachment at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitalen_US


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