Prototype Community Health Information Retrieval System for Jimma Zone: A Case Study of Jimma Institute of Health Sciences.
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Addis Ababa University
For the enhancement of the economic development of a country, healthy and productive
human resources are extremely needed. People should get adequate health care services to
enable them to lead productive and meaningful life. In a third world country like Ethiopia,
although many of the prevailing health problems are potentially preventable through the
provision of appropriate primary health care services, the deteriorating health care service has
made it difficult to control the existing health problems. One of the factors that is responsible
for the deteriorating health care service is the absence of accurate, relevant and timely health
In Ethiopia, the health information flows from regions to the center. At the regional level, the
source of health information is the health facilities-based recording system. This form of
information has failed to show the true picture of the health status of the people of the
country. The other sources of health information such as community-based health information
system and special studies have not been strengthened. Currently, Jimma Institute of Health
Sciences has shown an endeavor to establish community-based health information system
through its community-oriented/based educational program. This educational program is
conducted in the actual or simi lar communities where students will serve after graduation. In
this educational program, among other things, students gather health and health related data
from both rural and urban communities in Jimma zone.
The main objective of collecting such data is to integrate training, research, and health care
services. However, this information has not been effectively used for the stated objective
beyond the immediate academic exercises that students undertake. Piles of data collecting
forms containing continuity health data collected for the past fourteen years are found in the
data processing unit of the community-based educational program coordinating office.
Although some efforts have recently been witnessed to enter the data into a computer, the
conversion process had been undertaken before proper investigation was carried out.
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the existing system and propose the design and
development of appropriate computer-based information system. To this end, an effort has been made to understand what is being carried out by the current information system and
identify the requirements of the improved system using different fact finding instruments.
Specifically, facts were gathered through questionnaire, interview, discussions, document
analysis and through critically
observing the activities of the existing data processing unit.
The findings of the survey reveals that the overall usage of the community health information is so minimal. Only 35.6%
of the total respondents have used the data.
• users are less satisfied with existing system.73.3% of the total respondents recommended change in the existing information
• duplicate and redundant files were identified in the existing system.
• the absence of standardized data collection formats have seriously affected the data
storage, processing, and output generation.
• Poorly organized community health information system is currently in place.
The analysis of the facts collected has fac ilitated the identification of users requirements and
databases to be designed and implemented. Based on the response of users, among the
identified databases, detailed analysis and design of the socio- demographic database have
been carried out. Conceptual data modeling techniques such as Entity Relationship Modeling
and Relational Data Analys is have been employed to identify entities and to undertake
Furthermore, to test the conceptual design and demonstrate how the improved system can be
implemented, prototype databases and user interfaces are physically designed using Microsoft
Access. Finally, recommendations are made for implementing the improved system and
further studies to be carried out.
Prototype Community Health Information