Inventory Management Practices, Performances And Challenges Of Program Medicines in Primary Healthcare Facilities Of Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Background: Effective inventory management which is heart of supply chain management is
vital for ensuring availability of tracer healthcare products. However, inventory managementpractice and performance in public health facilities is often overwhelmed by various challenges
that hinder the efficient healthcare services delivery. Hence, this study was aimed at assessingthe current inventory management practices, operational performance, and identifying the
challenges faced in public health facilities in Hadiya Zone Primary Healthcare FacilitiesSouthern Ethiopia. Facility-based cross-sectional descriptive research design was used involving
both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative data were collected throughsemi-structured questionnaires and observational checklists and analyzed using the SPSS version
26. The qualitative data were gathered through key informant interviews. The interview was transcribed, summarized manually, and analyzed using thematic analysis.
The study revealed that 74.3% of facilities have tracer program medicines on the day of thesurvey. Stock out of tracer program medicines encountered in 47.1% of facilities with average
stock out days of 33.38 days. Inventory accuracy was 17.14% and average order fill lead time ofthe past six months in those facilities was 35.57 days. Data quality of the RRF report assessed
indicated that 74 (88.1%) of the RRF reports were timely, 47(60.)% of RRF reports wascomplete and 25 (54.7%) reports were accurate. About 64.3 percent of health facilities metsuitable storage conditions. The respondents agreed with financial, Behavioural, Humanresource, demand-supply, and logistic challenges with a grand mean of 3.67, 3.66, 3.92, 3.68,
4.19, and 4.25 respectively. KIs responses also indicated by default similar responses onchallenges of inventory management. The study revealed that there is poor inventorymanagement performance and control system of tracer program medicines in primary healthcarefacilities of the Hadiya zone. It is recommended that sufficient amount budget allocation,technological support, resupply lead time be shortening, and appropriate staff members trainingshould be considered.
Keywords: Inventory management performances, public primary healthcare facilities, tracerprogram Medicines, challenges