The Effectiveness of Education Information System (Eis) in the Management of Secondary Schools: The Case of Jimma Zone
dc.contributor.advisor | Oumer, Jeilu (PhD) | | | Jima, Masho | | | 2019-01-23T10:42:46Z | | | 2023-11-10T14:48:11Z | | | 2019-01-23T10:42:46Z | | | 2023-11-10T14:48:11Z | | | 2011-04 | |
dc.description.abstract | Tllis Sff/{ ~\ ' 11'(/\ (lillied (II <'.rolllill ill,!.! '"l' t://£'clil'('IIl" S 01 1:'dIfCO/;(}1l 11!/U/'lJllIlioll ,\\\1t'1II (/:'/'(,,';) !iw Ihe ,\llIJllIgl'IIIL'1I1 (~/ ''''('curullllY schoul.\'. '/Ill ' ,"II(~I ' 11'/1.\ Ctllld1fCI('d Oil educlIlion .\YS/( 'IJI ur.lillllllll l unC' olld ils I'<'s/l('('/i\'(' \,.orct/lI.\", " {Olll/ (!r /(,_"1 "{(/A-l'ho/d(TS ./i'U!}1 ::'()/l(' {'t/f/colin ll utlice. " 'oret/a 1~'dIlC(/li()1l IJersollll{,/ (lilt! school II '('/T IrcClled ill/iu" o/f".\II,\ .1;11111/(/ ::.()//(' Ira.\" .\t"!{'("{cd {IS /}(!r Ihe ser;()/fSIl(,SS orlhl' /Jrnh/('IIl, II 'on,dln It'Cl't' rondoll/fl ' s('/ecl('t/./i'olll (/11"('( ' CIIf."ll ·: classn IIUIlIt'(I' c/u" ... . 1. clll.\ . ., n, Will c/us.\ (. h.1 II.";II.!.!. .\!I·ol i!ied .'(111111Iing {('chl/;lll/e. : //1 .'l'( UUdlllT \choo/s. IJrL'jJ(//'ulmy sch(Jols, alld Ir(}/"(: c!o ('dlfea/inl/ (!I/i('('s' IJ(!rsol1lu.:1 Irert' inC/lit/cd ;11 Ih e: Sll((~\' hy IIsil1,!.!, 1II ro;/ohi/i/y som/}/illg. I'urp()sin' SlIIlI/,fill,1:.!. {('chl1i(/Ift' Il'lIS 0plllled.fiJl" ,11<, col/eelio" o{ dolo il!/ i)rllluti(HI. In-depth il1lerl"i (' ll' . .fi Jell .... grol'l) discllssion !l{'I"\(}//(// uh.\ (,/TlIlioll. ulld (1IIes{iol1l"1aire Il'ere llsed os Ihe lools In go/her (11/ the nen.. ' SSUl~\ · dulo in/())"lIIolion hoth ljlluJ1filalivefv {lnd (jlluli!ulivefy, fhe £lUlU II"('n'" slIly'ected to (//Jufl"sis h,t · {(sin,!!, cle.\·cril}fi\'e l}resen/u/i()11. orilllll1el ic meun, slum/unl de\'iu{ioll. one \Iloy AN()V/ 1. ch i-.\·(/IWI"/.!. unci { -fesl, IOf!,elher ' I'ilh qllolilwive (lnolysis, lhejindings disc/osed 01 EMIS ore ill'll'eded lind handicapped by differenl loclors sllch as; leT IIwlerials, Imined lIIonpower, IT slll'l'orl, clllw /JlCIl7ogel/'lel7l ,Iyslelll, and ellll'loyee readiness, The effecli,'elless or EMIS is IIleo,\'IIred Ihmllgh Ihe efficiel7l IIlili::.ulion (~/Ir resources. The employee .'"(Ili.~Ii. l cl i()n in line \\'i,1i Ihe /roinin,!.!."l!n \I"as also treoled and as a resll/I Ihe Irainee " '(IS di.\"(lfJ/}oinfecl cllle 10 mony ./hrces like: IIhsence of neet/ (f.vsesslllenl on {he orea Ihol rlie pers()nnel needs /n gel/ruining The schoo/s dllc! {he e£illcalion 'YS((,II! (!/I/J(' ::UI'I l' {Ire sl(/li')"ing/i'mJ! uhsel7c(' (!j"c()lIlrllllnico{ion {o IIlOkc Ille./lu \1" l~ri,?j() I"/}lOli()n lasler in lerms of COl7lenl, lil1lelin e,l, (lnc/(imll The(indings s lIgge ,lled IllIiI, 117" husic pmble177 or Ihis ecillC(Jlion syslel1l 1\'0.1 Ihe lillie link ollhe schools, ,"lGOs, ond Ihe school m177l1l1l1?il, ', All Ihese key slOkeholders are Ihe paris and porcel of Ihe ,1),Slell'l, Tl1II,\, Ihe, ' 1I<1"e 10 lI'()rk in collohorclfion ,rilh ol1e anolher, | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa University | en_US |
dc.subject | Education Information System | en_US |
dc.subject | (Eis) in the Management | en_US |
dc.title | The Effectiveness of Education Information System (Eis) in the Management of Secondary Schools: The Case of Jimma Zone | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |