Prospects for the Provision of Internet Services to Marginalized Communities in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
This study investigated whether ICTs can be layered on the existing economic, political,
social and cultural setting of marginalized communities so as to bring a change to their living
standards. This was in light of varying opinions on the application ofICTs to improve the
social and economic conditions of communities. A literature review on this issue was
conducted and the various arguments were discussed. Strategies for applying ICTs for
benefits of communities were also identified from the literature.
In light of the findings from the literature, the study attempted to investigate the possibility of
providing ICT -based services in general and the Internet in particular to marginalized
communities in Addis Ababa. The community with the lowest annual average expenditure in
the city was selected for the study. A survey was conducted on selected households in this
community with the aim of identifying the major activities of the community members. These
included identifying problems to be solved in carrying out the activities in which they were
engaged, the type of information they used in the problem solving process, the technology
employed to carry out tasks and the location of the technology. The questions focused on
inforn1ation needs and use related to health, market, income generation, education and
Once the survey was completed, a field study of a telecenter in the country - the Wolisso
MUltipurpose Community Telecentre was conducted. This helped to identify the operational
issues associated in applying ICTs for use by communities. Data obtained from the survey and
the field study was analyzed.Findings of the study show that it is possible to build a community center that satisfies their
needs because members of the community are already sharing reT resources. Existing pattem
in the use of information and communication media indicates this. The main challenge is in
drawing an infom1ation profile of a given community in order to layer technology on it. This
study draws an information need profile for a marginali zed community in Addis Ababa.