The Collective Properties of Dipole Plasma

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Addis Ababa University


Usually the conventional theories consider the lo\~ temperature plasma as a system containing mobile charged particles and neutral atoms or molecules. In this thesis the theory of some collective properties of "dipole plasma" that consists of charged particles and polar molecules with constant dipole moment as the neutral component is developed. In such a plasma the dipoles interact "'ith the charged particles and the self-consistent fields that arise in the non-equilibrium state of the plasma. '1'he interactions ",ith the electrons and positive ions result in some correction terms in the thermodynamic functions of plasma; ",hereas, the dipole interactions with the self-consistent flelds lead to some new physical effects such as the shifting of plasma frequencies, and appearance' of additional damping plasma waves and a new branch of eigen-vibration which we call the "dipole-acoustic "lave". 'rhese phenomena in dipole plasma are investigated with the help of a collisionless kinetic equation derived for the rotational degrees of freedom of the dipoles. The dielectric t.ensor is calculated from a perturbation analysis on the distribution function of the dipole plasma



Dipole Plasma

