The Impact of Urban Expansion on the Livelihood of Peri-Urban Farming Communities in Alamgena Town

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Addis Ababa University


Urban ce" ters are expanding towards their periphery rescuing the livelihood of farmin g communities. Alamgena town has been expanding towards the periphery since its foundation. The expansion has two characteristics, demand driven expansion and supply driven expansion. Expansion before 2002 was caused by increased land demand while expansion after 2002 is caused by supply driven expansion. The second expansion is the result of revision of the town's plan by BOWUD. The plan has brought 646.9 hectares of land for urban use from the surrounding rural areas. Implementation of the expansion plan has been done through expropriation of land from (armers holding and as a result, more than 300 (armel's became land less. The thesis dealt about the impact o( the expansion on the livelihood of these farm ers. Surveying, key informant in depth interview, (ocus group discussion and personal obse rvatif''1s are the methods employed in the thesis. Result o( the (indings shows that implemenll..llion o( land expropriation was not participatory and hence (armers' resistance was observed. In order to control (armers ' resistance the implementers use force, which create hostility among farm ers towards government o((icials. Compensation payment bases have done at (ederal and regional government level. The amount o( income disconnected was what farm ers got as compensation. During implementation though the government promised bene(its to the farm ers, they fail to fUlfill all the promised benefits to the (armers. The expansion has destroyed (anners' assets through expropriating their land. Following thiS, they became job insecure. 1.ack of due follow up (rom concerned organization, lack of knowledge how to us their money and lack o( sill and education are the problems (armers face while they are adapting urban ways o( Ii(e. In order to alleviate farmers from their problem, Government, NGOs and private investors should put their effort for farmers.



Urban Expansion on the Livelihood
