The Practices And Challenges Of Green Supply Chain Management Implementation In Bottled Water Industry In Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is defined as the incorporating appropriate of adequate environmental initiatives at each stage of the supply chain phase. These initiatives cover procurement, product design and development, production, transportation, packaging, storage and after the sales management. As pre assessment discussion with Water Bottled Water Industry Supply chain department, even though there is some projects undergoing in the company like waste water treatment plant, Implementing Environmental management system, but, the practice, benefits, impact on the organization as well as on the environment, challenges have not been well identified. The objective of this study is to assess the practices and challenges of green supply chain management at bottled water industry. This study were used descriptive type of research design which shows the extent in which bottled water industries is implementing Green supply chain management practice. Both quantitative and qualitative research approach has been employed. Both primary and secondary data sources were employed. Primary data were collected from production manager and employees of bottled water industries and secondary data collected from different related literatures. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the part of data analysis. From the total population of 246 production manager and employees 200 samples was used by using purposive sampling techniques. The study incorporate six variables in which all of them was measured on a 5-point Likrt-Scale, with “1” stands for “Strongly Disagree” and “5” stands for “Strongly Agree”. Apparently, mean was used as a measure of central tendency. Furthermore, the data were encoded, processed and evaluated using Statistical Package for social science version. 24. The analysis result show that the mean score values for Green supply chain management practice was to the minimum the average mean value (only between 3.5 and 3.9) which actually indicates the Green supply chain management practice of bottled water industries in Addis Ababa is precisely strong. Regarding the correlation, it indicates that economic factors, resistance to technology, lack of organization encouragement, cost implications and poor quality of human resources strongly or highly correlated with the practice of green manufacturing and also economic factor and supplier reluctance highly correlated with reverse logistics respectively. The result given on the conclusion entails that, the research questions were considerably assessed strong by which actually indicates the Green supply chain management practice is at required level in Bottled Water Industries In Addis Ababa.By relying on the study findings, the researcher suggests the following points as credible recommendations to the problem such as develop green supply chain management, technology advancement, management commitment and green supply chain strategies.



Green Supply Chain management, (GSCM), Supply chain management
