Psychological Problems and Cope Methods among Pregnant Women in two Bole Sub City Health Service Providers

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Addis Ababa University


In dealing with pregnant women, most of the literature available is focused on postpartum depression. This research tries to focus on prenatal anxiety, depression and coping methods. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and effects of depression, anxiety and to find out the coping methods used by pregnant women. The study was conducted in Bole Sub-city “Woreda 8” and “Woreda 9” health centers. The researcher used mixed type of design. The quantitative data were collected by Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) and brief cope scale and the qualitative data collected through interviews and focus group discussions. The quantitative data indicated high prevalence of anxiety and depression among the 275 participants. The result from the qualitative data showed that most pregnant women used religion as a coping method during anxiety and depression. The study also suggests for the health providers to screen a pregnant woman who shows the symptoms of anxiety and depression. In addition the study suggests that this woman shouldn’t use substance such as cigarettes, alcohol and drug as a coping method. Key words: prenatal anxiety, depression, coping methods



prenatal anxiety, depression, coping methods
