Haemoglobin Concentration Among Camel Milk and Cow Milk Consuming Pastoralist Communities of Somali Region, Eastern Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Background: Anemia is a public health problem affecting almost 300 million preschool children in the world wide. However, the magnitude is particularly higher in developing countries. Studies demonstrated that children aged 6 to 24 mo present greater vulnerability to anemia. Specifically, children from pastoral areas are at higher risk of anemia mainly due to shortage of health facilities, low dietary diversity, lack of adequate clean water and poor sanitation and hygiene. In addition, consumption of cow’s milk which contains higher amount of calcium and caisin but less in vitamin C and iron could be a contributing factor. In contras, camel milk contains higher amount of vitamin C and iron but relatively less amunt of calcium and caisin which could positively influence haemoglobine concentration. Objectives: This study investigates haemoglobine level among children predominantly consuming cow’s milk or camel milk areas in Somali region. Methods: A cross sectional community based study design was conducted among 332 children aged 6-59 months old in the pastoralist community of Somali region. Purposively, each half of the study participants were recruited from cow or camel rearing areas to find children predominantly consuming cow’s or camel’s milk. Data on socio-demographic and economic status of the households, dietary characterstics and nutritional status of children were collected. In addition, Haemoglobin level of children was determined. Result: About 62% of households possess farm land and produce only cereals (maize and sorghum). Literacy level of the caregivers was very low with (98.8%) had no formal education. There was very low water, sanitation and hygiene practices in the study area. The study households are characterized by consumption of less diversified diets. In the study area anemia was a public health problem (77.4%). factors that significantly associated to haemoglobin concentration was possessing house hold farm land (p=0.023), weight of the children (p=0.000) height of the children (p=0.000), age of the children (p=0.000) household waste disposal (p=0.012). Conclusion: camel milk or cow milk consumption was not significant to haemoglobin in this study. The study recommends; establishing sustained household home gardens as a way of implementing dietary diversification which is likely to improve the micronutrient intakes of the households.



Prevalence of Anemia in Children, Etiology of Anemia, Vitamin B12 and Anemia, Control of Anemia
