Assessment of Teachers Turnover and its Impact on the Teaching-Learning Process in Private Primary Schools of Bole Sub-City, Addis Ababa City Government
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study was to assess the cause of teachers’ turnover and
its impact on teaching-learning process in four private primary schools in Addis
Ababa specifically in Bole Sub city. In order to conduct the study, four schools
were selected for the study using purposive sampling technique. The study had
six groups of respondents: current teachers, former teachers, students,
principals, educational experts, and PTA. Questionnaires were administered for
62 current teachers selected from sampled schools. These respondents were
randomly selected from a total of 110 teachers currently working in the sample
schools. Adding, interviews were conducted with: 5 former teachers chosen
through snowball sampling technique, 4 principals from each sample schools, 2
educational experts, and 2 PTA members. Focus group discussions were also
held with selected students. Research data collected through questionnaire were
analyzed and interpreted by using percentage and information gathered through
interview and focus group discussions were analyzed qualitatively. The study
indicated that the major causes for teachers’’ turnover were: lack of motivation
(commitment) for teaching profession, non-conducive working environment,
poor administration system, inadequate salary and fringe benefits as well as
students’ behavior and disciplinary problem. It was also found the staff attrition
has resulted in some problems in teaching learning process: school programs
were disturbed, the quality of education was compromised, qualified and
experienced teachers were replaced by non-qualified and non-experienced
teachers, and the remaining teachers were demoralizes teachers turnover affects
students teaching-learning process. Students have been obliged to sit for exams
without completing portions of subjects. On the basis of these findings, the study
forwarded some mechanisms to minimize teachers’ turnover through creating
conducive working environment, reducing teaching load and ensuring fringe
Assessment of Teachers Turnover, andits Impact on the Teaching-Learning