Woreda Level Decentralization andassesment of Health Service Delivery: the Case of Midakegni Woreda, Oromia National Regional State

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Addis Ababa University


Decentralized service delivery refers to the mode in which service delivery is done through delegation and devolution of power from center to local governments where by efficiency and effectiveness are likely to be achieved. The general purpose of this study is to assess the impact of Woreda Level Decentralization on health service provisions quality and quantity and to examine the impact of the decentralized legal, political, administrative, financial and stakeholder participation on health service delivery in Mida Kegn Mida Kegn Woreda, West Shoa Zone of the Oromia National Regional State. To explore the impact of Woreda Level Decentralization on health services delivery mixed research approach was employed. Data were collected from Regional Health Bureau, Zonal Health office, Woreda Health Offices, Health centers, Health center Directors, health experts , kebele managers and beneficiaries through questionnaire, interviews and document analysis. The study found that local communities have participated in health services delivery mainly in identifying local problems, planning, management, monitoring, control and evaluation of their also found that there has been weak and incoherent vertical or horizontal coordination between the health institutions. In order to manage and sustain decentralization for effective delivery of health services, strong capacities in resources (human, finance and institutions) and active participation are mandatory.



Woreda Level Decentralization

