Implementing Enhanced AODV Protocol to Prevent Black hole Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
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Addis Ababa University
Mobile ad-hoc networks are sel f-configuring networks of mobi le devices that can be establi shed
wi thout a need for a network infrastructure. The faci that mobile ad-hoc networks lack central
administrat ion and use wireless link for communication makes them very susceptible to various
types of adversary's malicious attacks. Black hole attack is one of the severe security threats in
ad-hoc networks that can be eas ily performed by exploi ting vulnerability of on-demand routi ng
protocols s lIch as AODV. We implemented a solution to prevent black hole attac ks imposed by
both single and multiple black hole nodes. Intrusion Detection lIsing Anomaly Detection
(lOAD), works based on a general principle of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). It means an
lOAD system identifies anomaly activities of an adversa ry from normalcy act ivities of nonmalic
ious mobile nodes. The identification process in volves comparing communication attributes
of each mobile node part icipating in a given ad-hoc network. The most distinguishing
characteristic of lOAD is that it works in no-peer-t rust principle. Unlike the ex isti ng black hole
attack prevention techniques that rely on the cooperation of mobile nodes to announce a presence
of intrusion, lOAD enab les each mobile node to protect itself from an intruder. Implcmentation
of the prevention mechanism has been carried out by usin g the Network Simulation version 2
(NS2). A Java Parser program and Tracegraph has also been used to analyze results of
simulation. Post-analysis result proves the preven tion method implemcnted maxi mi zes network
performance by effectively preventing black hole attacks again st mobi le ad-hoc networks as wetl
us mini mi zing generation of control (routing) pac kets.