Agricultural Product Marketing: Challenges Towards A Commercial Approach With Particular Reference to Cereal Crops (A Case Study in Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda)

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Addis Ababa University


Agriculture is the main stay of Ethiopia's economy and it is the point of concern in today's policy arena. The present government has given a due and prior importance to the sector and have subscribed to Agricultural Development led Industrialization policy as basic strategy of the economy. However, Ethiopian agriculture is intertwined with multiple problems such as traditional means of farming along with minimum use of modern imputes; ever increasing population and consequently small amount of plot per household; poor market infrastructure which is characterized by insatiability of prices, financial and credit problems, post harvest losses, transportation and communication problems, high and exorbitant transaction costs etc. Market among other things playa make or break role in agricultural development and transformation since increase In production is no more than useless in the absence of efficient markets.This study aims to asses the challenges of agricultural product marketing with reference to cereal crop producing farmers in Bahir Dar Zuria woreda in terms of production, pricing and distribution of agricultural crops and identifying the major actors in the sector at the woreda. To this end a survey was made on 200 farm households selected from the woreda and the data obtained from the survey (from184 valid cases) was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequencies and graphsIt was learned from the study that farmers who produce the products, consumers who purchase the products for consumption (both rural and urban), retailers and assemblers who purchase the products for profit purpose are the main actors of agricultural product marketing at the woreda level. Majority of farmers in the study woreda are subsistence oriented in their production decision and hence their business/ commercial motive is low. They mostly select the products that they cultivate in line with crop rotation needs, land suitability for the crop under consideration and food habit of the family members and the society around. Their consideration of market prices is low. Land scarcity and lack of finance to buy agricultural imputes are the main problems of the farmers. When it comes to pricing most farmers are not informed about the price of similar products in other woredas due to lack information and communication technologies. Distribution wise majority of the farmers transport their products by traditional methods mainly through animal backs such as donkeys and mules.



Product Marketing
