The Level of Shared Values and Marital Satisfaction Among Married People in Addis Ababa: the Case of Kirkos Sub-City

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Studies about the effects of shared values over marital satisfaction are scant in Ethiopia. Hence the present study tried to quantitatively investigate the effects of shared values over marital satisfaction in Addis Ababa, the case of Kirkos sub-city. In doing so valid questionnaires from 304 respondents from three woredas were collected using online random number generator sampling. Appropriate descriptive and inferential statistical tools were employed to analyse the data. In the present study it was found that more than half of respondents shared values with their spouses. It was also revealed that significant number of respondents have dissatisfactions in their marital relationships. Besides, it was concluded that shared values are important predictors of couples’ marital satisfaction in that couples who share more values with their spouses have higher marital satisfaction than respondents who share lesser values. It is recommended that experts in marriage, need to consider shared values among married people thereby better their marital satisfaction



Appropriate descriptive and inferential statistical tools were employed to analyse the data
