Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of labor analgesia among obstetric health care providers in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital
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Addis Ababa University
Despite the increased focus on pain management programs and the development of new
standards for pain, assessment and treatment of labor pain is mostly abandoned specially in low
and middle income countries. In Ethiopia there are few studies done in some regional states to
assess attitude towards labor pain and utilization of labor analgesia, thus this thesis is conducted
in one of the biggest and tertiary hospital found in the capital city of Ethiopia,A.A.
To evaluate the knowledge and attitude of labor pain analgesia and to describe the practice of
labor analgesia among obstetric health care providers at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
Method: cross-sectional study was conducted from AUGUST 1 to OCTOBOR 1, 2018 at Tikur
Anbessa Specialized Hospital. Data was collected using structured questionnaire distributed to
obstetric residents , Ansthesiology residents and midwifes. The collected data was coded and
entered into EPI info version 7and analyzed by using SPSS version 20. Descriptive analysis was
Result: This study found that majority (91%) of ansthesia and more than half(67%) of
obstetric residents have good attitude towards labor analgesia, while majority(74%) of the
midwifes found to have poor attitude.Althogh 80% of Ans residents have good knowledge
towards labor pain management, only 49% of midwifes & 47% of obs residents found to have
good knowledge about labor analgesia .majority of HCPs i.e 82% of midwifes, 69% of obs
residents, 83% of ans residents was found to have good practice of labor analgesia.
Conclusion & recommendation: The majority of healthcare providers understand that
women suffer significant pain during labor and majority believe that labor pain relief is
necessary However, when we see the general knowledge of HCPs, except Ans
residents half of obs residents & half of the midwifes have poor knowledge about labor
analgesia thus emphasis should be given to train all obstetric health care providers
regarding safe , efficient and affordable labor analgesia.
labor pain analgesia