Attitude of School Community Towards Female Students During Practical Class: the Case of Selected Preparatory Schools in Bole Sub-City of Addis Ababa

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Addis Abeba university


Education is avitalone for social, cultural and economic development of one country. It is a very important instrument in the creation of modern economy. In preparatory school, physical education is given as aseparate subject which is important like other subject. However, the attitude of school community towards female students during practical class is negative. This study was investigate a study on the problems of attitude of school community towards female students during practical physical education class. The case of selected preparatory schools in Bole sub city of Addis Ababa. The main issues considered are female students participation in practical class, their interest to do physical education practically and attitude of school community towards female students. To this end, descriptive survey method was employed data were gathered from 200 female students, 7 physical education though questionnaires and interview of school directors, 9 school guards and 9 school janitress. The respondents sampling was carried out through random selection techniques. The data for the study was abstained through questionnaires and interview techniques. Both qualitative and quantitative methods and percentage were used to analyzed the data. The result indicated that the female students are not interested to do physical education practically, attitude of school community affect their performance, in both preparatory school, in adequacy of school facility and other teaching materials. Therefore, it is recommended that depending on the result, the concerned bodies such as teachers school directors and regional and sub- city educational bureau have to encourage females sunsets



Community Towards Female Students

