The Livelihoods of Displaced People in Addis Ababa: The Case of People Relocated form Arat Kilo Area

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Addis Ababa Univerisity


The study has discussed the livelihoods of displaced people. The focus of this study was to explore the reiocatees'livelihood assets and activities, to look at how relocatees are vulnerable to urban context, to examine the livelihood strategies employed by relocatees to cope up or recover }i'OIll the undesirable outcomes of displacement and to assess the ali/cOllies of such strategies .In doing th is, those people who were relocated to Nifas Silk Lafto were pUlposefully selected as stlldy community. The study used quali/ative research methodology. Relevant data for the study were gathered Fom the secondary as well as primary sources. The main pri/1/C1/y data collection methods were household interviews, key informant interviews, foc us group discussion and observation. To analyse the livelihoods of displaced people in holistic manner, this research used sustainable livelihoodframel1'ork (SLF) as a lIIain theoretical and livelihood analy tical Famework. The SLF is modified and operationalised in a tool thaI is relevant to this particular study. The study reveals that relocating people Fom slum area to another location is important in providing good housing quality and neat living environment, in making people less susceptible to poor sanitation induced diseases, enabling people to integrate with other community, reducing women and children burden who were formerly responsible to collect water, and providing children with open space for play. On the other side, the study found insignificant role of local community in decision making process .It also found that a large n1lmber of studied community have been directly a./Jected by loss of livelihood activities, traditional institution, social network, education, tramport and health service access and finanCial capability. Due to loss of social cohesion and means of income disruption, the displacees are more likely vulnerable to urban economic shock more than the non-displaced people. There are various livelihood strategies that have been employed by displaced people so as to manage the adverse e./Jects of displacement on their livelihoods. With this regard, the study found that such strategies have both negative and positive impact either in short term or long run on the relocatees, especially on those who have directly involved in this strategy. Finally, the study suggests the importance of participating the community in decisionl1laking process, facilitating micro-enterprises, credit service, training and taking in to consideration the availability of school, health centre and bus termini in the new location. ._-------,-_.-



The Case of People
