Assessment of the Practice of Cooperative Training in Afar Regional State The case of Lucy TVET College Thesis Presented to the School of Graduate Studies Department of Business Education AAU

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Addis Ababa University


This study is an assessment oj cooperative training in Ajar Regional State taking Lucy TVET College as £I case in pOint. The major objective oJthe study is to explore the status oj cooperative training, the benefit and the role oj the stakeholder involved, as well as the challenge Jacing cooperative training in the region. In so doing, the sludy used both primary and secondary data. The prinlUrv data accessed Ihrough inlervielV, quesliannaires and observalion. To acquire reasonable representmion oj Ihe populalion, purposive sampling was JollolVed 10 select key inJormal7l und respondenls Fom all stakeholders such as Irainers, lrainees, guidance and councilors. management members head and supervisors oj the cooperalive training in the enterprise.l . Books and arlicles used as secondmy dafa. The da fa are bOlh qualitalive and n quantitath'" analyzed using percel7liles and presel7led by tables and descriptive approach. As the o resu/r oj I ii'] {[nalysis indicate, rhe poor management oj cooperative iraining, lack oj skilled human re su/lrce mainly guidance and counselor, shorrage oJinFasrrucwre. lack of awareness by Ihe induo/ ries. poor involvemel7l of Ihe Ircliners. enlerprises and other slakeholders in cooperal ive lruining, lack oJreadiness acadelnically, lechnically and erhically Fom Ihe Irainees, Ihe poor r.:lclliull/parrnersilip oj Ihe college willi Ihe induslries"coll1panies are rhe major challenge.1 u/cooperalive rraining ill Ihe region. I-{ellce, Ihe sllidy recommend Ihal an eJJorl has ro be made li'(l1I1 Ihe managemel7l oj Lllcy TVET college and olher concerned bodies 10 address shorrage () f human and malerial resources needed for Ihe Iraining. These slakeholders also should exerr Ihe ir eJJorrs 10 involve slakeholders lI1ainly enlelprises/ indllslries in planning, implememillg, and assess ing oJcooperalive Iraining. {n so doing, Ihe college has 10 creale slages lor discussion and awareness cremion on Ihe issues 0/ coopermive lraining. The emelprises involved ill Ihe coopermive It'dining also have 10 work II'ilh Ihe college 10 improve Ihe () cooperalh '~ lraining service Ihey are delivering. This is oIV ing 10 Ihe Jaci Ihal Ihrough Ihe parlnership of slake holders all chal/enges and problems Jacing cooperalive Iraining can be well managed



Training; Afar;Regional State
