Impact of Resettlement on the Livelihood of Settler Population in Abobo Woreda, Gambella People's Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The reselliement programme is considered as one 0/ the development stl'lltegy in the cO llntry
in different regimes. Abobo Woreda. Gombello pell/Jle '.\' regional stat e, one (!/ the areas in
which reselliement programme "'lIS IIndertaken to improve the living conditions of the
This study was conducted to assess ond examine the impact o/ reselllemel1l on the livelihood
of sellier poplilation in Abobo. /n light of this, both primw)' and secondw), data were used.
Primw)' dllla was obtained thl'Ough stmctured questiollnaire, key illfi ll'lllw1t interviews, fiJCUS
group disCllssions and .field observation. Secondw), data was obtainedfi'om published and
unpublished materials, hooks. jO llrnals. project reports and maps. A toteli 0/ -122 SWlIlJle
respondents Ivere ident ified IIsing silll/Jle I'IIndllll/ samlJling tecimillill'.
The analysis is made at individual level on the basis of descriptive, bi-variate and multivariate
methods. The results of descriptive statistics showed significant mean di[/erences in
the household size, farmland size and TLU The result ofbi-variate analysis showed that the
demographic features and li velihood assets had relationship with respondents ' livelilwoc/
oU/comes. Moreover, large proportion (64%) 0/ the respondents ' livelihood was worse. This
situation had been observed across all demographic featu res and livelihood assets of the
respondel1ls. The multi-variate analysis also showed that sex, size, literacy statll.\ยท,
TLV, access to credit, saving and source of income were found to be statistically significant
related to the bellerment of the livelihood of sellier population (P<O. OJ). Based on the
finding s, the .following issues have recommended: limiting t vulnel'll"'e
groups, providing environmental education and holistic nutul'lll resource mlll1agemellt,
prolllotion of altemative energy SOl/rces, providing access to credit and saving and
diversifying livelihood strategies.
Key words': reselllelllellt. livelihood
Livelihood of Settler