Evaluation of Nephrotoxicity Among Cervical and Ovarian Cancer Patients Treated with Cisplastin Based Chemotherapy at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Chemotherapy And Radiotherapy Center, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Background: Cancer is potentially fatal diseases; it can be caused by mainly environmental
factors that mutate genes encoding critical cell-regulatory proteins. Cisplatin is a potent and an
effective chemotherapeutic agent used to treat cervical and ovarian cancer, but is associated with
the risk of nephrotoxicity. The prevalence of cisplatin based chemotherapy induced
nephrotoxicity was not assessed in Ethiopia.
Objective: To assess the magnitudes of Cisplatin-based chemotherapy induced nephrotoxicity
among cervical and ovarian cancer patients underwent cisplatin treatment at the oncology unit of
Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH).
Materials and Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study has been conducted on 76 cervical
and ovarian cancer patients who received cisplatin based chemotherapy. Clinical and laboratory
data including kidney function tests were recorded at baseline and 21 days after treatment with
cisplatin based chemotherapy. Serum creatinine, urea, uric acid and calcium have been analyzed
using automated clinical chemistry analyzer (Mindray02) and estimated creatinine clearance has
been calculated based on Cockcroft-Gault formula. Toxicities were classified according to the
common toxicity criteria (CTC) scale set by (NCI CTC AE V4.0).
Results: Serum creatinine, uric acid levels increased significantly during the 1 cycles of
chemotherapy, whereas eGFR levels decreased significantly. Accordingly, the results were
(1.0854 ±0.781SD), (5.9 ±2.7SD) and (50.217±14.0SD) respectively where the (P. value 0.001),
(p.value 0.00) and (p. value 0.00). On the other hand, serum urea and calcium levels showed no
statistical significant difference have been shown where (p. value>0.05). According to Pearson‟s
correlation analysis showed pre and post chemotherapy there was a strong negative correlation
between the eGFR and serum creatinine level correspondingly (rho: –0.150 Vs -0.136, P <
0.001), and Spearman‟s correlation analysis showed that there was a strong negative correlation
between the eGFR and uric acid level after treatment (rho: –0.500, P < 0.05).
Conclusion and Recommendation: Significant changes have been observed after the 1 cycle of
cisplatin based chemotherapy treatment on the levels of serum creatinine, uric acid levels and
decreased glomerular filtration rate. To effectively monitor nephrotoxicity, renal parameters and
electrolyte levels should be measured before and after each cisplatin based chemotherapy cycle.
More investigations are required to evaluate this method with higher doses of cisplatin.
Keywords: Cisplatin; 5Fluorouracil; Nephrotoxicity; chemotherapy; Tikur Anbessa Specialized
Cisplatin, 5Fluorouracil, Nephrotoxicity, Chemotherapy;, Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital