Comparative Study on the Nutritional Composition, Ant-nutritional Factors and Functional Properties of Newly Introduced (Lupines Angustifolius) and Locally Grown (Lupinus Albus) Lupin (Gibto) Varieties in Ethiopia.
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Addis Ababa University
Inadeql/ate availability and consumption 0/ protein /oods in developing countries are a major
concern as large segments 0/ population 0/ these countries suffer /1'0117 protein-energy
malnutrition. Exploitation 0/ underutilized locally available varieties, introducing and
adaptation 0/ new types a/legume crops with beller nutritional projiles and yielding capaCity is
considered as an important approach to combat the protein-malnutrition. A comparative study
on proximate composition, mineral composition, ant inl/trit ional/actors and jill1ctional propert ies
/01' both raw and processed seeds a/newly introduced AI/stralian Sweet LI/pin (L I/pinlls
angustijo!ius) and locally grown lvhite Ilipin (Lupinlls alb us) varieties obtained from !-loleta
Agricultl/ral Research Institute Center lIIas conducted. The mean crude protein, crude ash, crude
/at and crude jiber contents a/the raw nelll and local lupin varieties lIIere 25.55,2.92, 6.42,
I 4. 89g11 OOg and 35.17, 2.75,6.59, 14. 79g1100g, respectively. The local lupin variety had higher
crude protein content than the new lupin variety. The mineral, Zn, Fe and Ca cOl7lents were 2. 74,
2.48, 112.62I17gI100g and 3.46, 2.94, 44mgl /OOg, respectively /01' the new and local lupin
varieties. The new lupin variety had higher Co content than the locetl lupin variety. The new
lupin variety (Lupinus angustifolius) had lower total alkaloid and higher phytic acid content
than the locet! lupin (Lupinus albus) variety. The nelll lupin variety showed comparable
jimctional properties and sensory acceptability lIIith the local II/pin variety. The nelV II/pin
variety had higher lvater absorption capacity, eml/lsion activity andfoal17ing capaCity than the
local lupin variety. Except the minerals content, both traditional processing methods applied in
the present study significantly (p<O. 05) increased the protein, /at and jiber content and redl/ced
antinutritionalfactors. Although there were variations between the two varieties in terms a/their
nutritional cornpositions, the lower alkaloid content, possibility to be used in/ood/onnl/lations
without longer pre-treatment practices COl/pied with relatively better crude protein and .fiber
content gives the new variety an advantage over the local II/pin variety /01' jitrther production
and use in human/ood and animal/eed.
Key Words: Lupin, Chemical composition, Antinuritional factors, Functional properties
Lupin, Chemical composition, Antinuritional factors, Functional properties