Budget Allocation and Utilization in Public Secondary School of Gambella Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of budget allocation and utilization in public secondary schools of Gambella Regional State. In this study both quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted and the research method used was descriptive survey. The sampling techniques used in this study were simple random sampling techniques and purposive sampling technique. . The samples size drawn from four schools was 80 Academic staff from 108 populations. From other sectors such as administration staff, 20 sample participants and 4 KEBT and 4 PSTA members within all four schools that were chosen purposefully, altogether 108 participants. The data gathering instrument were questionnaire; Interview, FGD. In addition, the researcher used descriptive statistics using frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation by applied statistical Package for social sciences (SPSS) software package version 20.0. The major finding of study revealed that the school grant is the only available source of income of finance for secondary school. There is no block grant allocated for the past twelve years; The budget allocated in each school is not adequate to fully implement the annual budget plan; no effective transparency and accountability of financial management and control; Recommendation by researcher’s in case of schools located in rural area are not able to generate income from themselves they are just waiting only school grants because there is no other facilities to strength their internal income in order to make teaching and learning going smoothly in schools. For this case, it’s better to makes internal income by linking schools with production and income generating activities like building business centers around schools; It’s better to put policy in place which can motivate schools in order to make work condition attractive for ever one in order to fulfilling the benefit of schools teachers, allocating adequate finance, available teaching materials to schools etc. In case of specific criteria being allocated budget, it’s better to consider distance of school like transportation material, available provision of stationary materials in that area and human power.
Budget Allocation, and Utilization in Public