Pattern and factors of place of childbirth care service in Kirkos sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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Addis Ababa Universty
Background: Skilled health personnel attended delivery is a key for reduction of maternal
mortality ratio and also for better perinatal outcome of the fetus/neonate. Our endless concern
about place of childbirth care is not for nothing Therefore, choices of places of childbirth care and
its related factors are important for maternal health care outcomes. Objective: The objective of the
study is to assess the patterns and factors of choice of place of childbirth care service in Kirkos
Sub City, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Method: A community based survey with face to face interview
using a structured and pretested questionnaire was conducted from April 1 to July 30, 2018 on a
sample of 594 women who had experienced child birth within the last 12 months prior to the study.
Simple random sampling to select woredas and systematic random sampling was used to contact
eligible woman. Women with a child less than one years of age in each woreda are interviewed until
the sample size in each woreda is completed. Data were entered and analyzed using EPI info v.7
and SPSS version 20. Univariable analysis was done to describe some important characteristics of
study subjects. Multivariable analysis using binary logistic regression technique was done to see
the association between the independent variables and the dependent variable. In multivariable
analyses odds ratio with 95% confidence interval was estimated to identify predictors of patterns
of place of childbirth care service by controlling the effect of others. Result: In this study, of the
594 women who had given birth in last 12 month prior to the study period selected as sample, only
544 women responded to the questionnaire; make the response rate 92%. Majority of respondents
have given birth and also have plan to give birth in future in public childbirth care facilities. 434
(79.7%), 105 (19.3%) and 5(1.00%) of respondents had delivered in public, private health
childbirth care facilities and at home respectively. Level of education, place of antenatal care
woman attended and pervious obstetric complication showed stastically significant with women’s
choices for places of childbirth care service. Conclusion: Most of women gave birth in public
childbirth care facility. In general, the present study showed that women have a confidence on
public childbirth care service despite there is a commonly perceived doubt in quality in public
child birth care. Recommendation: Therefore, health programmer and service providers at all
level should work to ensure pubic childbirth care centers fulfill the minimum standard of childbirth
care services to help women with labour.
maternal mortality,