Determinants of child Labor in Rural parts of Southern, Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPR)

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Addis Ababa University


The main objective o f this study is to identi fy some of the factors that determine child labor and to see how they contribute to the widesp read practice of child labor in rural parts of SNNP region. The source of data used in thi s study is the 200 1 Ethiopia Child Labor Survey conducted by Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia. The total number of cases in thi s study is 4859 of which 2042 are not worki ng (control) group and 28 17 are working children. Both descriptive and in fe renti al techniques were employed to analyze the data. Freq uency di stributi on was used to see the percentage share among the background variables. Moreover, to see the associati on of the predictor variablcs with the depe ndent vari able and to !-ind out the main determinants or c hild labor among diffe rent socio-eeonomic and demographic variabl es, univari ate and multi variate stati stical techniques were employed. The analysis or the data using logistic regression method revealed that work status of children is associated with : age of child , sex of child. re li gion of head of the household, mi gration status of head or the household, household size, household income, education status of head oT the housellOld, school attendance or chi Id and marital status of head of the household.



Determinants of' child Labor

